Saturday, January 29, 2011

Link Love No. 40!

This week passed by in the blink of an eye for me. There is something I am working on but I can't reveal it ‘till March. I have been trying to squeeze the time to work on that into my schedule... and it has been fun! When I am focused on a project, I forget to eat or drink. Time flies by so fast! I have to make an effort to keep looking at my watch, so I won't miss my children’s pick up time.

Another thing I have been doing is to slowly reorganize my house. I have been working on each room, going through the closets and cupboards. I usually have three bags for "Sale", "donate", and "throw away". Sometimes if I am in the "zone", it's easy to part with the things and the clean-up goes fast. If I am not so much in the zone, my mind is blank, don't know where to put what. The whole thing takes a long time too.

Well, for the above two reasons, my family didn't eat very nice dinners this week. I felt a little guilty, so I cooked better meals Friday and Saturday. It should even things out, right? :)

I see in this week’s link party, more Valentine’s crafts, and they are fun! I hope you all are getting inspired by them! Well, here are my favorites for this week...

This is one of those Valentine’s crafts I just mentioned...Fast Daze shared a really fun Wreath, inspired by Tatertots & Jello. She also used the tutorial from “A girl and Glue Gun” to make felt flowers. How colorful and pretty!

Holy Cow!! Talk about big project, I mean, really BIG. Backwoods Cottage shared a STUDIO she built with her husband. Yeah, you heard (read) right. A STUDIO! She posted the step by step photos on her blog, so head over there to check them out! I would love to see the picture of it all moved in and decorated studio too! Amazing job!

You Seriously Made That? shared this pretty headband. I have seen many crocheted headbands before, but I really like this style and the colors of the yarn. Great job!

When I saw the picture of this plate, I was in LOVE! I love Jane Austin and Mr. Darcy... Grey Luster Girl was inspired by Pottery Barn and created this plate. Sooo romantic!

This is also a Valentine project, but without the usual red and pink. I love how A Crummy Marriage Blog layered the fabrics for the letters. What a fun way to make it more interesting!

Thank you all for sharing your great projects! See you at the next post!


  1. Very nice pillows,have a nice weekend:))

  2. Thanks for featuring me! So many great projects!

  3. I feel so honored to have my Mr. Darcy plate featured!Your blog was one of the first blogs I ever visited and it has been an inspiration to me! Thank you!

  4. What fun projects! I especially love the studio. I could move in!

  5. Ooooh Mr Darcy! I love that plate :D Such a cute bunch of projects, thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh, I just spotted today that my fun little cottage is on your Link Love post! How fun! Thank you! I am planning on letting everyone see the inside. Working on the photos now so soon, very soon!
