Monday, April 6, 2009

One Fine Day

Today was a bit of a slow day for me. My oldest had a really bad cough so he stayed home from school. I took him to the doctor in the morning, I only had to go to school once to pick up my middle son after the doctor. After that we picked up the medicine and came home and stayed home the rest of the day.

After they finished their homework, they played quietly (well, for me it was quieter than nomal eventhough I heard them jump from their bed to the floor several times.)

You know what? That was nice! I actually had some time DURING THE DAY to sew. Usually I am always on the go; it is hard to find the time to sew during the day. I finished making my mom's secnd apron and another handbag!

After dinner we watched a movie as a family and had a blast. We talked, laughed and enjoyed each others company.

There was no big event or anything.

Eventhough my oldest was sick, it was just a very nice and calm pleasent day.

I loved it.


  1. I love days like that. That bag is really cute. I am finished all the squares for the quilt I'm working on. I may need your help getting it together!

  2. It is nice to have a slower day once in a while. I like summer when no one has to be anywhere at a certain time and I don't have to worry about backpacks and homework. Cute bag! Your mom will love the aprons too. I'm going to make an apron soon with the cute fabric I got at the quilt shop. Its a great store, and I'm so glad to have found it.

  3. Sometimes it takes a child staying home sick from school to make us slow down and enjoy just being. Glad you had such a peaceful day!

  4. I can't wait to see the squares! Just let me know when ever you need me! :)

  5. I secretly love it when my oldest is sick too. Another playmate during the day is always wonderful.

  6. Nice day! Even with a sickie! And...someday...when I have a kitchen of my own...I will hire you to make an apron like that one! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! And I know you're mother will too...well I didn't talk to her...but I have a pretty good feeling she will!
