Monday, May 4, 2009

The Scholar in Me

Growing up, I always liked encyclopeadias. It contains so much information about the things I want to know or even the things I didn't know I had an interest in. My parents bought my sister and I this gigantic encyclopeadia set (they came with its own bookshelf too) and set it in our room. I loved to just sit on the floor and go through them A to z.

Recently, my friend asked me if I wanted her to get me an encyclopeadia from Costco, since I don't have membership there. This one is my FAVORITE encyclopeadia, ever!!

It was on my top 5 craft and quilting books that I wanted to own. Wow, how did she know that I would want it! Greatest thing is, it is originally $35.00 and I got it for $18.99!! What a deal. Let me zoom in there for you.

I am getting ready for the open house this Wednesday. I decided I can read it afterwards as a reward for myself.

I guess Mother's Day came early for me and I am super excited!


  1. What an awesome find for you!!! I loved encyclopedias too! Some of my favorite books!
    This one is a good one for you!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Loved the open house last night, Sachiko. It's inspiring to be around so many beautiful things. And, thank you for the gift. It's something I'll always treasure.
