Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tutorial ~Romantic Cardigan Transformation ~

Do you have a cardigan you have been wanting to spice up a little? I had one in my closet, I was thinking of making a corsage for it... Then, since I have been in a romantic mood lately, I decided to add ruffles and lace. What can be more femanine and romantic?

You will need:

A Cardigan

Cotton Lace

A Roll of Sheer Ribbon

Matching Thread

Fray Check

1. Pin the lace along the button line of the cardigan. Sew. I purposely made the lengths of the laces different. Eventhough I love the romantic look, I also wanted to achieve a "one-of-a-kind" look.

2. I used sheer ribbon for the next row. Make ruffles out of the ribbon (go here for instructions on how to make ruffles). After you decide how long you want it to be, seal the ends with fray check. I also, made the lengh of left and right uneven and shorter than the first row. The trick with this row, as you are pinning the ribbon, is to twist it several times. That way it gives a more interesting look than just sewing them flat.

3. Repeat the prcess. Alternate the lace and ribbon.

4. Test Run-- in my case, I am going to ask my hubby to take me out on a date!

I thought about adding more texture by using different materials, but I didn't. You can totally do that, more mix and match would be fun too! Since I used sheer ribbon, I will probably wash this in the gentle cycle of the washing machine and won't put it in the dryer. The ribbon might shrink. I am not willing to find out the hard way.

There is one more tutorial I want to share this week. I have so much going on this weekend, if I can deliver it I will be so happy, if I can't...Oh well, you have to wait little bit longer.

I hope you are all enjoying this fall weather, what are your plans for this weekend?


  1. It looks great and what a good idea...I have a few T-shirts that need spicing up and so will give it a go :)

  2. Too cute! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to look through my closet. Thanks so much for the tutorial.

  3. Oh wow, you made that cardigan look so pretty.
    have fun with hubby on your date.

  4. Love how you turn a regular look into something so elegant!!

  5. you have the cutest ideas, thanks for sharing!!! I have a little girl, she is 10, but very tall, so its hard to find age aproiate clothes because she wears womens sizes, this is perfect, thanks

  6. This is beautiful! I love this fall weather also. It is just beautiful here. We're headed to the pumpkin patch this weekend so I hope the weather continues to cooperate :)

  7. I am in love with your blog and your tutorials! I was so excited about the last tutorial for my daughter and now I have one for me! Thanks for all your awesome ideas.

  8. Hi there! I featured your toile chair on my blog today! Thanks so much, you rock, and that shirt is lovely!

  9. Very beautiful and elegant! I want to see a picture of you wearing it! Thanks for sharing that!

  10. That is beautiful! I can't wait to try it!
