Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Giveaway Winner!

First of all I want to say "Thank You!" to all of you who came and participated in this Thanksgiving giveaway party! There were so many of you (135 of you right? ), more than I anticipated and it was very exciting!

I read each one of your thankful notes. Some of them were light and fun, some peoples' thankfulness came from life's challenges and tribulations. As I read all of the thankful notes, my thoughts went out to my family and friends. I think focusing on the blessings we already have help us to realize that there are so many more blessing than we notice at first glance.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts! I hope everyone will have a chance to read other peoples comments before Thanksgiving... You all have such a beautiful spirit Ladies!

Before I announce the winners... if you are the winner, please send me your info within a week, so I can send you the item. If I don't here from you, I will draw another name and give others a chance to win. Well, I think I am ready to announce the lucky giveaway winners...

For the Moda Charm Pack and the four frames; the winner is...

Linda, Greg & Drew

For the Little Girl's Handbag; the winner is...

The Fancy Fritter

For the Doll Quilt; the winner is...

(yep, it's you my neighbor Jessica!)

Congratulations to the three lucky winners!!

Wow, don't be so quick to leave! I would love to share some of the things I am thankful for too... I have such a long list, but I will give you the short version.

I am so grateful for my family, I can't think of my life without them in it. Because of them, my everyday life sparkles more.

I am grateful for my God and faith, because of them I see my path and it gives me strength when I need it.

I am grateful for the chance to create, because of the time to do so I can reconnect with myself, and be happy.

Thank you all.

Much love



  1. Congratulations to all!!!

    barbara jean

  2. Congrats to all the winners! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Congrats to the lucky winners! Thinking about one's blessings really does open your heart to recognizing the little ones when they come along.

  4. Great wishes to all the winners, Sashiko, your work is so beautiful. i was looking at your Etsy store and love the hand stich work. I would love to make something like that for my first grandaughter (Harper) first Christmas.

    Denton, TX

  5. Yay! I am so excited to be a winner...just sent you an email:) Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  6. Congratulations to all, Happy Thanksgiving for you and your Family!

  7. I am so excited I won!! Congrats to the other winners too! Sashiko, like I have said before, I love everything you make! Thank you very much. Happy Thanksgiving!!
