Monday, December 7, 2009

Tutorial ~ Corduroy Skirt for Little Girl ~

Today was very snowy where I live. Too wet and cold to go outside...but there is always an up-side to a day like this. Stay home and work on the projects I have been wanting to do for a while.

Several months ago, I found some ivory colored corduroy fabric at the sale section. I guess it was the end of the bolt and I paid around $3 for 22" of fabric. I wanted to make a skirt for Rachel.

Here is what I did:

1. Cut 2 pieces of 16" X 22" of fabrics. This will be the main skirt.

2. Cut 4 pieces of 3 1/2" diameter circles, 4 pieces of 3" diameter circles, and 4pieces of 1 3/4" diameter circles. I traced the circles using the drinking glasses in my kitchen. This is a personal preference, so, you can change the size as you want. Be creative! For the leaves you will need 12 of them. I just eye-balled it and cut them out.

3. If you have a serger that would be great, if not, you can use the zig zag setting on your sewing machine to sew the edges of the circles to prevent flaying.

4. Put together three different sizes of circles. To make it look interesting, I alternated the right side of the fabrics and wrong side of the fabrics. You should have four sets of flowers. For the leaves, put fusable interfacing then do the same.

5. Lay the flowers and leaves out on the skirt fabrics. Use the pictures as your guide. Leave about 2 1/2" on the bottom for the hem line. I used matching colored DMC floss to hand sew the flowers and leaves. Use the up close picture as your guide.

6. Take care of the edges to prevent flaying, put the skirt fabric right sides together then sew both sides. On the top of the one side, leave some opening for the

I did 1/2" seam line. Open and Iron.

7. For the bottom, I folded twice(first 1/4", second 1") and sewed. For the top, I did the same thing, put 1/2" elastic through. You can measure your little ones tummy to know how much elastic you need.

8. Enjoy!

I got carried away and did some bead work on the flower too.

Also, I used some left over corduroy to make matching flower clip! Rachel loved her new skirt and she was very happy wearing it all day long.

See, there is some benefit to the bad weather :)


  1. How adorable!! By the way, I love the little girl purse I got! It will be perfect for my little girl! Thanks so much! :)

  2. I'm so glad that handbag is working out for you and your little girl. Thankyou for your comment.

  3. Hi! I love your blog and I LOVE the skirt, thanks for sharing the tutorial. Do you think this would work with cotton? or perhaps linen?

  4. Oh, I think cotton and linen both would work. I it would be soo pretty to do it with linen! I might try that later...:)

  5. you are so awesome. i love the skirt! rachel is lucky to be the recipient of all your work

  6. What a pretty skirt. I love the beadwork and the flowers you made for it. It really completes the look.

  7. Oh my goodness. I can't look anymore!! This is the most beautiful on the planet!!!!! How do you do it??

  8. This is such a cute skirt!! I linked to it today on twitter (@seasidetales) :-)

    Have a blessed week!

  9. Adorable skirt, adorable little need to say more.

  10. Adorable skirt and a great tutorial Sachiko! I secretly like wet cold days as it just gets me in the mood to sew and be creative!

  11. This tutorial is so adorable. I have some corduroy that I have been saving for the perfect project! I think I just found it. Thanks!

  12. I just stumbled upon your blog today. I think I read all the way back to March of this year. I love all of your projects. I'm not sure where to start:) Thanks for all of the tutorials. What is the name of your etsy shop?

  13. Beautiful skirt!! If only I could sew . . .

  14. Stephanie,

    My shop is at:

    Please check it out!


  15. Everything looks fantastic - the fabric, the colour, the flowery decorations - amazing!!!

  16. i was looking for some inspiration for a skirt when I found this one!!! AWESOMe!!! I do have about the same color fabric corduroy... LOL!
    Thanx for the tutorial!!!

    love Miranda

  17. I just discovered your blog and love it! This skirt is wonderful and I cant wait to get started on one for my daughter.

  18. i love this way to decorate clothing. these are really adorable flowers and i've copied it in a less wild way.
    thanks for this tutorial.

    many greetings, doro.

  19. Loving this!!! Absolutely gorgeous! I featured this at

  20. very sweet!



    barbara jean

  21. What a lovely winter skirt!!

    I featured your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:


  22. so precious, thanks for the tute!

  23. Very cute, though I haven't got a little girl. Still, I think I could use this pattern as inspiration for myself!

  24. I made my own version of your tutorial!!!!
    Tomorrow I will put it on my blog...
    thanx I enjoyed the making very much!

    Love and all the best for 2010 with lots of creativity.


  25. Cute skirt! I don't have a little girl in my house though, so could you give a sample waist measurement and age?

  26. Hi Jenn,

    About your question. My little girl is 4 years old, and usually when I make her skirt I cut the elastic 20" long. That includes a 1" overlap. I think my daughter is small for her age.

  27. Oh my goodness, this is too cute! You have so many adorable ideas. i amso happy I found you!

  28. I love that your style is so similar to mine! I love your vintage feel. I just stumbled into this while I was going through you tutorials. It's beautiful. Thanks for inspiring me.

  29. I love this skirt! In fact I made one!! And I used the flowers on a skirt for me as well! I posted a blog with my creation with pictures if you are interested in looking. I put a link back to your post telling folks this is where I got the idea!

    I have found several ideas on your blog I want to try! I just LOVE your style!!!

    Here is the link to my blog post:

  30. So I see that this is several years after the posting...but I wanted you to know I used your tutorial to make a sweet grey A-lined jumper for my niece. I just had never thought to flip the corduroy fabric over for contrast. Brilliant! Thank you for the inspiration!

  31. Thank you for the beautiful patterns. I just finished making that corderoy skirt for my granddaughter. I can't wait to try it on her....I also sent you an email in regards to those patterns in regards to what size is that skirt is made for granddaughter is 4 yrs old but dresses size 6 and 6x clothes. I'm looking forward hearing from you.
