Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Make Over ~Love for Basket Style Bags~

Over the past several months, I found a few baskets at some thrift stores. What I love to do is take them home, clean them up, give them some character. Here are the latest basket makeovers that I did, I wanted to share the pictures with you all.

The first one is this dark brown basket. I accesorized it with some fur and ribbons...

and gave it a new look.

The next one, I forgot to take a before picture, but I added pom-poms, ribbons, and a removable flower clip. I think it will be so cute to pair up with some spring and summer cotton dresses!

Each time when I give a basket a new life, I form some kind of attachment. During that process, I think about what kind of clothing might go with it, or various color schemes... and they all come out as a basket that I want to use and carry around!! BUT, I can't keep them all to myself, unless I live in a house with a humongous closet. So, I will be listing these baskets on my etsy shop soon. If you are one of those people with extra closet space, head over to my shop and check them out!

I will be posting a tutoral on Friday. I hope you all are having a nice week!!


  1. I love the purses and I love you!! Missed seeing you tonight. Let's chat soon, my friend!

  2. I will certainly be on the look out for baskets next time I'm car booting. Great job.

  3. They are fab!!! I'll never look at a basket bag the same way again.

  4. You have inspired me to create my bag into something remarkable!! Thank you!!!

  5. Excellent! What a difference a little "bling" can add to a rather plain bag!

  6. so so cute! you really are so talented!

  7. I really love your blog!! You have so many beautiful ideas!

  8. These are stunning, I might have to try and overhaul my 'upstairs downstairs' basket - thanks for the inspiriation!

  9. Oh wow they look beautiful. I've never thought of doing this and now will be looking at these types of bags in a whole new way.

  10. I just fell in love with these when I saw them. So much so that I had to blog about them. You have some beautiful creations! Just my style!

    Blessings to you!
    Chas @
