Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday Dinner and More

Our family is casual. We certainly do not have a traditional Sunday dinner evey week. If I felt like it I would make a big dinner, but if I have something after church or am too tired to cook... our Sunday dinner would be "leftover special".

For some reasons, I WANTED to cook yesterday, so we had:

Green salad with carmelized almonds (this has been our favorite lately, thanks to Heather)

Jambalaya, this was my first time making it, but it turned out pretty good,

then, Honey Bun Cake. My family loooved this cake! After I packed what was left for lunch this mornig, the only thing left in the cake pan were crumbs.

When I warmed the cake and put some vanilla ice cream on top(somebody stop meeee! It is more calories!)...ohhh... it was exceptionally good. I wanted to share the recipe, but I am too lazy to go downstairs and look for the recipe, so maybe some other time.

By the way... I have been getting more emails lately from my lovely readers, and they are sweet enough to share their creations with me. Most of them are "Tea Rose Home inspired" creations. I meant to post all these projects in my posts, but I misplaced some of them. I am so sorry!! I have been thinking...
What if I started hosting a linking party? That way you laidies out there who are creative and want to share your creations can have a place here at Tea Rose Home!

I always get nervous when I try something new, but if some of you are interested, I certainly want to give it a try. Let me know what you think. If I can figure out how to install Mclinky on my blog, I might do it some time in the next few posts.

What do you think? Would you like to come to a party at Tea Rose Home?


  1. YUM!!! I'm drooling. It all looks so good. I think a link party would be great. I would love to see everyones creativity!!!

  2. I heart link parties! Great idea! :) And boy, that cake looks fabulous! :)

  3. oh yum, your food looks delicious! a link party sounds like a great idea :o)

    Sadie x

  4. What a wonderful meal~! You really out did yourself... looks so yummy! As for a party at Tea Rose...count me in!

  5. Of course we would come to your party, and boy I would love everyone of those recipes. My mouth is watering looking at all of those pictures! Yummy! Jackie

  6. Dinner sounded yummy!

    A linking party would be great! :)

  7. I would love to see a link party:)

  8. That jambalaya looks delish. You should post the recipe!

  9. Those dishes all look gorgeous! Can yo please post the recipes on your blog? I have never heard of caramelized almonds before and I would love the recipe for the honey cake!

    Thanks for your post,

    Bern in Caloundra, Australia

  10. I would love to join in a link party!

  11. Well, I have been a new reader for a week or so, and just recently added you to my blogroll (your blog fits in so nicely with similarly creative blogs that inspire me) so I would say YES to a linking party and YES to MORE CAKE!
