Saturday, August 7, 2010

Link Love! #18

Hi everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I had lots of things going on and, I realized that my little girl's birthday is approaching, I started getting ready for that today! One of the things I did to get ready for the special day was to go buy her some presents. Ah, it was so fun... Having two boys first, the toys I bought for the first several years were weapons, star wars, dinosaurs, legos, etc. There is nothing wrong with boy toys, actually they are lots of fun, BUT I enjoy looking at girly toys much more. Part of me wishes I had some of the toys growing up(Today's kids are so spoiled!).

I have been working on some projects with the Liberty fabrics too. I will be able to share one of the project next week.

I enjoyed going through all the links for this week, and picked a few of them that caught my eye.

Fly Away Home needed a desk for her daughter...instead of spending over $200, she found a table and a chair for $40 and performed an amazing transformation!

I want this... Handmade Con Amore shared her super functional and stylish floor cushion. I love her fabric choice! She was inspired by Living with Punks. Go check out her awesome tutorial!

School is starting soon. I don't know about you, but in our household, we use lots of jellies for lunch sandwiches. Tara in Wonderland shares how to make Blueberry Jelly with us. My mouth is watering...

Get Craftin' got creative and made these beautiful wall decors. She definately has an eye for finding the potential in things. Also, how she grouped them and decorated the wall is very nice!

Check this out! Jessica G made this adorable baby sun visor and she posted a step by step tutorial. I love it!

Every week I see something I love, want to make, and new blogs that are inspiring. Thank you all for sharing your creations!


  1. Beautiful features. I love Handmade Con Amore, she is so talented.

    But that baby sun visor! That, I have to try.

  2. Thanks for sharing these awesome ideas and talented ladies with us(ME:) It is always inspiring to see!
    God's Blessings to You!

  3. Great ideas -- thanks for sharing...


  4. Great ideas -- thanks for sharing...


  5. OMG! I had no idea you were going to feature my table and chairs post. Thank you so much.

  6. Thank you so much for featuring my thrifty wall! I really appreciate it! XOXO
