Monday, August 2, 2010

Something to Give

Last Saturday, Rachel gave away something she had and had planned to giveaway for a long time...

Her hair...

Have you heard about an organization called Locks of Love?

I told her about them, and what they will use the hair for, several months ago. Ever since then, she has been excited about the idea of giving away her hair.

We found a participating hair salon (and when you donate the hair, the haircut is free!) and went there in the morning. I wasn't sure if she would really go through with this, but she did.

She was very excited.

She looks so cute with her new hair style, but at the same time she looks so much older looking, a small part of me felt a little sad...

She is a very special little girl. Very funny, smart, loving and beautiful. It is my hope that she will keep growing the same way she has been so far, and be a beautiful person inside and out.

Just like she is to me now.


  1. The selflessness of your little girl is wonderful! My daughter is 12 now and has done this twice. I remember feeling exactly like you do. I am so proud that she wanted to do something so personal for others. You have a special little girl there who looks adorable with her new haircut! Theresa

  2. She is so cute. I love the haircut!

  3. She's adorable! What a special girl to give that away:-)

  4. What a sweet, special, generous girl. So refreshing to see smiles after a hair cut like it. It can be upsetting for some girls even if they have been planning it. It's just wonderful that it was a joyous, giving occassion. Beautiful girl.

  5. I think she looks great with her new haircut!!!!
    is a very wonderful girl, beautiful inside and outside:-D

  6. What a blessing it is to see our children give so unselfishly! Both my older girls have done locks of love and it is a great organization.
    She looks way cute with her little bob!

  7. What a beautiful gesture for such a young girl. When I saw the first photo I gasped, her hair was so long and luxurious--but then that last photo of her cheeky smile with the bob and I adore the look! I have been toying with cutting my own to a bob and this may push me further in that direction!

  8. She is an absolute doll !! What a cool thing to do ~


  9. What a wonderful thing for her to do! You must be so proud. Her new cut is absolutely adorable! We just had a neighbor's little girl do the same thing a week ago.

  10. what a sweet and kind heart she has so little on. i think that she looked beautiful before, but oh-how beautiful she looks now!!!

  11. i love her new haircut. she is a wonderful little girl.

  12. Oh that is just too sweet and the new haircut is adorable on her!!! What a sweet heart!!!

  13. Her hair cut looks so cute! My dad shaved his head when he started chemo and a few month died of cancer. Tell you little girl thank you for her selflessness! You obviously have instilled some great values and lessons in her.

  14. What a sweet girl -- and what a lot of hair to donate!

    Her new haircut looks FANTASTIC!!

  15. That's awesome. Just think how your daughter will live on, in a way, with someone else, just by donating her locks! My husband did the same thing about 5 years ago.

  16. I think that is so special!! I have donated my hair to locks of love two times. After the birth of each of my children.

  17. Such a sweet girl to donate her pretty hair to such a worthy cause. I chopped all my hair off to donate last summer and it was hard to see it go-and I'm an adult!

  18. what an awesome little girl you have, so sweet of her and I love her new haircut she is adorable...

  19. Such a wonderful gift from such a little girl. I've given twice myself and I always feel so good donating to a great cause!

  20. That's so sweet! And the new hair cut looks adorable.

  21. Good for her! She looks adorable with short hair! I donated my hair to Locks of Love a few years ago (Jodi's sister-in-law cut it for me!). My brother died of brain cancer and I cut my hair on his birthday.

  22. Adorable! Way to go Rachel...she looks so cute and yes, just a little bit older. :)

  23. How precious is that for her to do it on her own!! She's adorable in that new hairstyle!

  24. What a beautiful thing to do! :)

  25. That was such a sweet thing for her to di. You should be very proud.

    I wanted to let you know that I've got some pics up on my blog from the photo shoot of the retro-looking skirt I just made along with a quick and easy tutorial of how to make one in under 25 minutes with just leftover material and no pattern. Come by and see if you get a chance.

    Trudy of Sewing With Trudy

  26. What a wonderful gift she gave. She looks very cute with short hair too.

  27. She is so beautiful, and it was a beautiful thing to do. I love hearing stories like these that let us know the wonderful things that children (people) do to help others.

  28. What a sweet girl! Someone will be very lucky to have her pretty hair. BTW you can also donate to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths. They only ask for eight inches and their wigs are free to women who've undergone cancer treatment.

  29. Absolutely sweet and a kind heart to boot. You are so lucky.

  30. I've been talking to my little Hailey about donating her hair. In fact she reminds me alot of your little girl! Long dark hair that would make an adorable wig and someone very very happy! It's almost long enough!

    She looks adorable with her new little cut and your right she does look alot older!

    Love and Hugs, Jess

  31. Your daughter is beautiful! I love this organization, we have done this several times. Great cause! Thanks for sharing!

  32. I applaud Rachel for her determination and will, love and compassion for others! And yes, she doesn't look a bit sad giving aay her hair! She's adorable and very, very special!

  33. What a beautiful little girl! That is so awesome that she donated her hair. I'll have to check it out when it's time for my daughter's first haircut.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!

  34. She is just adorable!! What a special girl to donate her hair for a wonderful cause!

  35. so very cute! I really like the shorter length.


  36. I love this!!!! :) I've donated my hair twice in honor of two of my cousins with cancer and I'm working on growing mine out again as well.

    So proud of her and her new hairdo looks just adorable!!

  37. Great job Rachel! I love your new haircut! And I believe you made someone very happy by donating your hair!!!! I am proud on girls like you who do such awesome things. here i haven't found some hairdresser who works with it...

    Love Miranda

  38. What a special gift from a special girl. I love her new haircut and this post.

  39. What a precious, giving little girl. And what a testament to the kind of parent you are to instill such wonderful values in your child. How proud you must be!

  40. Yea! This is a great cause that I myself have donatate to 3 times and I'm growing mine out for the 4th donation. If only I had started that young.

  41. how wonderful and generous she is! you may be very proud of your sweet little girl!

  42. Your daughter is beautiful ... inside and out. What a wonderful thing she has done.

  43. What a gorgeous, generous child. No wonder you are so proud of her.

  44. My girls love donating their hair (and I do too--when it gets long it is so hard to do.) Our hair grows fast so both I and them donate every few years. My oldest donated right before preschool and again at the end of 1st grade. Now my second child has donated hers at the begining of preschool as well. It's fun to grow it out and cut it. Congrats on your 1st time!!! You look adorable Rachel! :)

  45. how noble! your girl is very cute with new hair style.

    greetings from croatia!

  46. I love that she has done this. I have donated 3 times in my adult life:) It always feels so good that I was growing it out for a reason. Super job! Love her new haircut too!

  47. You have a very beautiful and selfless daughter! Someone must have nurtured her very well ;)

  48. My hair has never been long enough to donate, but I started growing it long because my hubby loves it that way.
    A friend of mine challenged a group of us to grow our hair to donate... so I've been growing and growing... I'm only about 1 1/2 inches from chopping it all off! : )

  49. she is so sweet! i prefer the short hearcut! :-)
