Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Two Weeks without My Sewing Machine

Hi everybody! I have bad news. My linky tool is not working. I paid for the subscription but it was still disabled. I'm working with them to restore this, so there is no link party this week.

I did something hard for me today...I took my sewing machine in for service. They are two weeks out, and they will ship the machine to a different location for service. I won't have my machine back for at least two weeks!

I have my old sewing machine, but that one needs TLC too. Two weeks without my beloved sewing machine. I should have planned this better...sigh...

Oh well (one of my few good qualities are, I recover quickly from sad situations).
I was thinking about what I can do during those two weeks.

Some of the things came to my mind are;

* Finish a couple quilts --- one quilt needs to be finished by hand quilting, the other one need to be finished putting on binding.

* Baste two quilts for the boys.

* Make lots of jewelries that I have been wanting to make.

* Work on the hexagon quilt

* Do a total makeover in my hobby room.

* Sand, paint the dining table and chairs. ---this one, I probably won't do. It is still too cold outside!

* Read some books from the "read when I have time" pile by my bed.

* Do some cutting for the clothes I wanted to make, so when I have my sewing machine, I can start sewing immediately.

* Sew some badges on boys’ Cub Scout uniforms. ---yes, I will do this one definitely. I promise.

* Organize all the design ideas. Draw them out and document them.

* If I can finish ALL these things, I might twiddle my fingers and stare up at the ceiling while I wait for my sewing machine to come back.

Boy, this will be a long two weeks!

See you at the next post.


  1. Lucky you! Mine has been out of work for more than two months! What have I been doing?
    Crocheting and knitting like crazy!

  2. If you can finish all that in two weeks, I think that'd make you SUPER MOM!

  3. How do you know when your machine needs servcing? I keep thinking maybe I should take it in, but it's running fine, makes no noises, etc.

  4. Oh no, I'd be lost without my sewing machine! But that's an impressive list of alternatives, good luck surviving the next two weeks! <3

  5. Wow, two whole weeks?!? It sounds like you have plenty to do still. I wuold be lost with out mine!

  6. Yikes!!! Two weeks is a long time... sounds like you have plenty of other projects on your To Do list though. Good luck on getting some of them crossed off!

  7. OMG two weeks are a lot, but it seems you have many things to do, I think you will be busy doing all of them and the time will pass in a second!!!!:-)

  8. I need to have my machines serviced, too. Especially my serger. I keep putting it off, though. And thank you for reminding me about Scout patches! I promised my son to get his Bobcat sewn on by den meeting tonight. It's his first patch and I keep catching him admiring it. Adding it to my list of To-Dos today...
    Good luck with your list, I'm sure the two weeks will fly by with so much to do!

  9. Sad! Hope you will cope ok without your baby! Can't wait to see what you have planned!

  10. nooo! having no sewing machine is a nightmare! :o)

  11. 2 Weeks without a sewing machine????? Why live? Oh, that is awful. I always say, its a sewing machine that makes a home. I mourn with you. Lol

    blessings ~ happy sewing when it comes back!


  12. I know what you mean! I had my sewing machine in the shop last year and I kept calling every day....They were so sick of me that they got it done fast!!! Glad to know I have a kindred spirit.

  13. Good luck on your list. Sorry you won't have your machine. Last Christmas we visited my mom, and I had to use her sewing machine... not a big fan of singers and hers kept breaking needles, or bunching up the thread, it was a nightmare.

  14. Maybe it will give you time to catch up on that list and the time will fly! :)

  15. my machine is my best friend, I would miss it too! :) I need to get it in for service, missed last year. I try to get it in every year because it has a computer in it that scares me ;-)

  16. That's quite the list! These two weeks without your machine might go by kinda fast.

  17. Oh dear, I need to have this done as well and I'm scared about howling they will want it. I might be reduced to my daughter's sew mini. Have fun with your other projects.

  18. oh,I know how you feel. I keep putting it off and I really need to take my sewing machine in for service. Perhaps you have inspired me to go ahead and "let go"! I hope you get lots of other things accomplished!


  19. You are hilarious. But just think how that machine will hum and smile upon return :)

  20. Sonia-

    I don't exactly know when to take it in, but right now, my service is free until December. I haven't taken the machine in for service for over a year. Also, when I was machine quilting I was having some problems, I thought it was time to get it serviced.

    I always have something to sew, it is hard for me to decide when to take it in.

  21. Well that's a bummer about the sewing machine!

    And I noticed a lot of people having issues with that linky service lately, so hopefully they get it all taken care of.

    Have fun with all those fun non-sewing machine projects :)
