Saturday, August 20, 2011

Link Love No. 66!

I can't believe this is the last weekend of summer vacation. In the beginning, I was thinking that I have a LOOOOONG summer ahead of me, but it actually flew by so fast! I wanted to teach my kids so many more things (cooking/crafting) during the summer, but I think I actually did about the half of the things I had in mind.

We didn't go on a big vacation or anything, but we did a lot, and had a blast!

This may sound a bit crazy, but I think I will miss having them with me all the time. Really, I mean it. :)

Are you ready for the link love?

A while ago, I made a necklace with crochet beads, and some of you asked me if I made the beads. I used the crochet beads from a craft store, so I wasn't able to share a tutorial... now you are in luck! Little Treasures made these cute crochet beads and shows you how on her blog. Aren't they so fun?

I just LOVE this idea! I can't Stop Crafting created these cards with her children's pictures. What a fun way to preserve memories, I bet they will enjoy them for years to come.

I always wished that Wal-Mart and Target would sell more stylish kids bikes at an affordable price (there are stylish bikes you can find on the web, but they are a LOT more expensive!). DIY Kinda Girl took a garage sale find pink bike and turned in to an orange/aqua blue bike. I LOVE the color combination!

The one thing you might not know about me is...I choose "Lemony" dessert over "Chocolaty" dessert. If there is an option where I can have both, of course I do that... :) but, if I have to choose one, Lemony is 99% of my choice. The Ivy Cottage Blog shared this Lemon Cake recipe, and it looks soo good. I feel like I can almost smell the lemon scent coming out from the oven.

First of all, I want to applause Happy Looks Good on You; she bravely painting a piano! I would be so afraid to make mistakes and damage the piano. Not only did she paint the piano, she did such a fabulous job! It looks amazing!

Thank you for sharing your amazing talents with us every week! By the way, I have so much going on, so I decided to take a break from the link party next week. I will have the usual posts and more (what? Did someone hear GIVEAWAY?). I will see you at my next post!


  1. Thank you so much Sachiko!!
    I wish I had them in even more colors to make the photo more vibrant.Thank you again for the lovely feature!

  2. Thanks for the link for the crocheted beads.

    Always enjoy your posts
    and will try to Comment more often.


  3. I love that piano! I have a piano that could use some love but I'm just so afraid I would ruin it.

  4. Thanks for the shout-out on my little guy's bike, Sachiko! Feeling loved.... :)

  5. Oh! Thanks for featuring my photo cards! I think it's going to become an annual thing for us, we've gotten such a great reaction from all our family and friends that we've passed the cards out to!

  6. Gracias por este datito, las bolas tan lindas me las pongo a tejer ya no mas veremos que sale , saludos y gracias
