Saturday, November 3, 2012

New Project Alert

While Katy from No Big Dill was visiting UT, we had a chance to hang out together. I was so excited to finally meet her in person. She took me to some fun places that I didn't even know existed. Thank you Katy for making the time to meet me, it was such a delight!

One of the places was a candy shop. There they sold lollipops and such, but I found this "perfume candy". I had never heard of such a thing, I was really curious to try it, I decided to buy one and give it a try.

Aren't they so beautiful? Those candies really tasted like perfume (in a good way), it was bit of a foreign flavor to me at first, but soon I started to love it!

I loved the vintage looking can so much that it actually inspired me to do something with it (HUGE grin). I am being a little tease and will just show you one picture. Yeap, I added pom-pom trim, but that's not all I did (still grinning). Can you guess what I came up with?

I will share the tutorial sometime next week.

Don't forget to link your project or leave comment on my last post for the giveaway.

I will announce the winner on Monday!


  1. Lovely tin- I have had perfume candy one time and it was okay but I didn't love it. Can't wait to see your tutorial- xo Diana

  2. Just wanted to say HI! We miss you, Sachiko! Loving our fun food pins and washi tape ;)

  3. What memories!!!!! I went to school with the daughter of Mr. Startup Candy's. Her name was: of all things--Candy! She makes sure that when Provo High has their reunions we are supplied with green and white suckers. Thanks for posting!
