Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It is Truly a Flu Season

This is unbelievable! Last week Mr. TRH posted that I was sick, and I got better. Then, on Sunday, I started feeling like I was coming down with something and by last night; I had a fever over 104. The symptoms are totally different, than last week's; cough, stuffiness, body aches and fever.

Seriously... I guess people don’t say "flu season" for no reason.

I am going to head to bed and sleep. Hopefully I will get better soon and start working on more projects.

One funny thing is, right now I am craving chocolate cake. Though, that is my homemade cake, and I am too sick to make it so I won't have it until I get better. :( Maybe that is a good thing hahaha.

I will see you at the next post. :)



  1. Get well soon!!!

    Here in Moscow so many ppl have flu too :((

  2. Oh, please feel better very soon Sachiko! Take care!

    I enjoy your lovely blog very much!

  3. Oh, no, not again! Get well and make that cake :) m-m-m :)

  4. Oh no!!! Get better soon Sachiko, I am so sorry you are sick!!! Lots of rest and maybe a good magazine :)

  5. Chicken soup will help. Today Aunt Peaches has her Old Fashioned Chicken Boil recipe posted. It sounds wonderful and healthy.
    Take care. How you are well soon.

  6. I am so sorry that you are sick- this has been a terrible year for colds and the flu-one thing after another hits you- Our house was "sick" from right after Thanksgiving until last week- UGH- Feel better fast- xo Diana

  7. Hope you feel better soon. That cake looks so yummy!! You must share the recipe with the rest of us.

  8. Be careful!! My 16-year-old was diagnosed with the flu earlier this month, and we were warned to watch for the possibility of him getting better then feeling worse again, which might actually be a secondary infection of bronchitis or pneumonia. Sure enough -- he felt fairly better for two days and then had high fever and no energy. Back to the doctor. Diagnosis: pneumonia! Please go back to the doctor to make sure you don't have a secondary infection. Feel better son!

  9. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better very soon!!!

  10. Oh no! Hope you feel better soon!

  11. Please go to the doctor! My son had the same thing happen to him and he had pneumonia also. Get well soon!

  12. lots of people of the flu right now, our family had it, too. Get well. Chocolate cake is the best!

  13. How horrible! :( I hope you feel better soon.

  14. I'm so sorry! It has been hitting our family hard too. I hope you get better soon!

  15. Please take care of yourself! This year's flu is horrible. 104 is no joke in an adult. Stay hydrated --very important. I agree with hobbymomof4; please call your doctor. Get well soon!
