Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tried and Tested: Pom-Pom Maker

I bought these pom-pom makers a while ago; I have been dying to try them out!
I will show you how it's done...

1. Open up the arches on one side.

2. Wrap yarn firmly around one end to the other. You want to wrap quite bit to make the pom-poms full and fluffy looking. Close that side and open up the other arch and repeat the process.

3. Cut the yarn between the arches with a sharp pair of scissors. Tie the pom-pom in place in between the arches and open up the arches gently. Make sure to tie the yarn tightly, so the yarn will stay together and won't start falling apart.

4. Separate the parts.

5. Cut the loose ends, and trim the pom-pom to make it into nice rounded pom-poms. The little hands trimming the pom-pom in the picture are my 7 year old daughter’s. When I was making the pom-poms, Rachel came over and wanted to try it. I showed her how, and helped her the first couple times. She had so much fun making them, she was hooked! She and I sat next to each other and made a BUNCH of pom-poms. Her friend came over and she also wanted to try it... can you guess what happened?? The three of us were making pom-poms! The girls made them in different sizes, mixed colors, and named each pom-pom... Who would have thought that pom-pom making would be such a hit with 7 year old girls. :)

6. Here is the finished pom-pom. The pink one I used is the smallest size.

Let me share a picture and some tips...

I made these pom-poms from the same size pom-pom maker, but when I first made the pom-pom, I didn't know how much I should wind the yarn. The left pom-pom is the very first one that I did. It is smaller and not very full looking. The middle one is my second attempt, but still I didn't care for the fullness of it. The third time, I really wound more yarn till it was really puffy, and the pom-pom came out very full and nice.

I am making a few projects with the pom-poms and I will share them soon. That night, Rachel didn't wanna stop making pom-poms, and she was begging me to let her make some more. I said no, because it was her bedtime, I told her to take a shower and get ready for bed, and she went upstairs. A few minutes later, I went up to see what she was doing. She was still in her room trimming her pom-poms! Also, when I was tucking her in bed, I found all her pom-poms in her bed... boy, I think we are gonna have pom-pom fever for a while.


  1. Those are cute! We learned how to make pom-poms using our fingers, but with those it would be so much easier to tie, especially for kids.

  2. totally cute pom poms! Where did you get your pom pom makers?

  3. Susan lower-

    I bought the pom-pom makers at Joann fabrrics. I used 40% off coupon too! :)

  4. It is addictive, indeed! And works better than other options, a really smart device!

  5. Hi Sachiko!
    Thank you for the tutorial.
    Best regards!

  6. I love this! What brand is the pin pom maker set?

  7. Love pom pom scarf! What brand is pom pom maker set?

  8. wendy82mu-

    Clover. They are awesome!
