Saturday, April 13, 2013

Jewelries ~ Spring~

I had to put away many of my sewing/crafting items in to the storage, but I kept some fabrics and jewelry making supplies with me. I promised to make a couple jewelry pieces for one of my friends a while back, so I was working on that, and then I wanted to make more jewelry and kept on going. My problem is that I want to keep them for myself. Though, this time I am thinking about listing them on Etsy. I have been window shopping for furniture and day dreaming of how I can decorate the new house. I better start saving up for them! :)

I will share some jewelry pieces I have made so far...

I wanted to work with solid color beads that are kind of summery. I love this color combination, and the rose on the bracelet is my favorite.

This is another project that I used solid color beads. Originally, I was just going to do all the same beads and make it simple, but as I was making the necklace, I changed my mind. I added some sparkly pieces and I love how it turned out.

This necklace and earring set is for my friend. She has a really fun, outgoing persoanlity and I thought she would look good in the fun colors.

I love how this necklace hangs, and looks great with baggy tops you see in the shops right now. Usually, I don't wear this style of necklace myself, but I really like this one.

I am definitely keeping these earrings! I love the colors, and as you can tell from my blog name, I have a weakness for "rose" or floral items. I think these blue colors are giving the earrings the perfect edge to look sweet without being too cute.

Which one was your favorite? I will share more pictures of my jewelries as I create some more.

Have a nice weekend!


  1. Do we have to pick only one favourite? They are all gorgeous, but I especially like the solid blue one - what a vibrant colour! That chain one is also really cool.

    I have also lived with my in-laws, with most of my stuff packed away. The only crafty things I kept out were crochet hooks, so everyone got wooly gifts at Christmas that year...

    I love reading your blog and look forward to seeing more summer designs!

  2. The colors are really vibrant! You must feel much better since you have made these jouyful jewelry pieces :) I like them all, especially the one with the "deep sea blue" color beads. The one for the baggy top is a design I would like to try myself. I'm looking forward to the other ones.

  3. Please post your work on Etsy. I would love to buy one of your pieces.

  4. Love the jewelry!!! So gorgeous! ♥

    BTW, that listia seller? I think she's trying to sell the diy to your shirt again - with the same photo!!!

    I'm not sure, but I thought that the photo looked familiar, so I thought I should let you know.

  5. I love the blue and silver and the all silver pieces! I say go for the Etsy route.

  6. Thank you everyone for your comments! I am thinking about listing them on my etsy shop. :)


    Thank you for letting me know about the listia seller, and indeed, she is doing it again! Unbelievable...I don't know why she doesn't even bother to take her own photos. I am going to contact listia again to see what they can do. :(

  7. My favorite is the blue rose earring... if I had to pick just one! They are all so lovely!

  8. Its really so cute. Adorable, and lovely designs.

    gold earrings for children
