Thursday, August 8, 2013

Soaking Up the Summer 2

In a little over a week, we will finally move into our new house and at the same time the kids will be starting school! To reduce some of the craziness, I finished all the back to school shopping early. Running around with the kids, and spending lots and lots of time with them leaves very little time to sew and craft, but I have been making some jewelry that I will share with you soon! Making jewelry takes less space than sewing, I guess that is why I do that a lot nowadays.

Speaking of school... My oldest is entering a new phase in his life, it's called "Junior high". I am a bit anxious for him because that was the most difficult time for me looking back. Though at the same time, I feel like he is going to be OK. He is a very funny, kind, down to earth type of boy and makes friends easily.

He has been gone all last week to attend "Timberline" (it is a leadership training course for boy scouts). On Saturday, we all went to pick him up and attend the closing ceremony.

He was a bit dirty, but had a huge smile and was mingling with others. Every milestone like this, I feel like he is growing up way too fast. In my mind's eyes I can still see him as a 1 hour old infant in my arms. I have to admit, it pulls my heart string like no other!

You are so amazing Christopher, I am proud of you!

We are going to have a small family getaway this weekend, and the kids have no idea where we are headed. Hehehehe...

I hope you all are having fun this summer.

Happy creating memories!



  1. My parents took us on a surprise trip when I was about your son's age and we all loved it so much. We knew we were going somewhere but didn't find out where until the morning we left. Your kids are lucky to have such fun parents!

  2. Your so lucky. Such a sweet boy and so handsome! He's got it all.
    Have fun.

  3. It is very nice that your son's Junior high phase has begun and he actually went to the training camp.
    Must have been very nice to attend the closing ceremony.

    Jessica x
