Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hello there!

Well hello there! The last couple of weeks has been really interesting for me... A mix of good and bad. I got sick and had to go to the emergency room a couple weekends ago, that completely threw me off schedule. After that my daughter became sick and missed school for a couple of days. Of course, life goes on even though times like that there were things needing to be taken care of and so forth.

I am ok now and the last couple of days I have been sewing. I am working on projects I won't be able to share for a while (yes, I think it's ok to keep some secrets from my readers every now and then... hehehe). Meanwhile, I wanted to check in to say hi and share a picture of what I found at a dollar store the other day.

Yup, they are ordinary hair clips. I think they are so colorful and fun! I am planning to use them when I am going to bind my quilts.

Where I live we have been having a weather roller coaster. A few days ago was really warm and sunny, and today it snowed! I don't mind rain and snow though, those days I love to cozy up in the house and work on my projects.

Have you been working on anything fun?


  1. Oof, sorry you guys got sick! Here's to better times ahead, eh?

    - Heather R., the Real Leopardstripes

  2. glad you are feeling better and that you will soon have some of your lovely projects to share.
    Personally, I think the weather upsets are really blessings since it is perfectly acceptable to stay in ones home during those times and no one is judgmental about the fact.Stay healthy.

  3. Glad to hear you are feeling better.
    I was wondering which dollar store you found the clips at. My grand daughters would love them. Thank you. Oh, and just remember last Summer with water rationing; hopefully we won't have to worry about that this year in Utah. lol...
    Jean C.

  4. Jean-
    I found them at dollar tree. :)
