Monday, December 1, 2014

Vintage Book Wreath

You might be in the same boat as me, but I have a lot of things on my "To make" list.

Recently I came across a vintage book "Little Women" at a thrift store. It is one of my ultimate favorite stories... unfortunately, it was not in good condition. I bought it anyways with the intention to make a book wreath which has been on my "to make" list forever.

I bet there were tons of tutorials out there, but I decided to share with my beloved readers what I did. So you need to look no further.

How to make Vintage Book Wreath

{You will need}

  • Book (mine was about 7" x 9 1/2" size)
  • Cardboard
  • Staple
  • Glue gun
  • Ribbon
  • Spray paint (optional)

{How to}

1. I used a 12" dish I had in my cupboard to trace a circle on the cardboard. Cut it out with an X-acto knife.

2. Tear out the pages from the book. I know, if my book wasn't already falling apart, I would have had a hard time tearing the pages out. I was taught to treat books nicely growing up. This was a bit out of my comfort zone! Start rolling them up to make cones.

3. Staple the narrow end...

4. Put a dot of glue on the wide end of the paper cone, so it will keep its shape.

5. Start gluing the cones onto the cardboard. When you are near the completion of the first circle, glue on the ribbon. Continue gluing the cones to fill up rest of the circle.

6. The Last three rows or so, I made my cones smaller by cutting the book pages in half. Some how it was easier for me to make the circle well balanced with smaller cones.

7. (optional) I decided to spray paint my wreath with white and silver. I sprayed the whole thing with white, but did not cover it completely in white, just enough to give it a muted look and you can still see the letters of the pages. Then, I sprayed silver randomly to give a splashed look.

I was walking around my house with the wreath in hand thinking of where to hang it. My choice? In our study/computer room and Mr. TRH actually likes it too!

It was lots of fun making this wreath. Best of all, this project hardly cost me anything! The book was $2.99, I already had spray paints and the cardboard was in my basement. Ha! I love projects like this. :)


  1. I have seen those wreaths before but didn't realise how easy they are to make...just a little time consuming. Thanks for the very clear tutorial, Sachiko.

  2. That's beautiful and a nice variation on the ones I've seen. I made one for a friend and am not sure which I like better! Love your thought to spray paint - genius! :)
