Monday, July 13, 2015

Orange Peel Quilt

The busyness of summer is a bit different than the busyness of the school year. I still drive my kids to activities and to play dates all on top of the places I want to take them. Sometimes it crosses my mind "How many more summers do I have where I have all my kids with me?". Therefore I have been out a lot or even when I am home, my time is consisting of activities with kids. I manage to squeeze some time to sew still, and I just finished with this orange peel quilt I started last fall.

Our family vacation is coming up and I have so much to do before we leave, but I just wanted to drop in to say "hi" and share my quilt. :)

Oh! Update about my van... we talked to the dealership and we are still seeking the best option. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your comments and emails about the accident and I will let you know when I have more to tell. :)

I hope the summer is good to you and your life is filled with happiness and laughter.

