Friday, April 5, 2019

Sewing ~ Strip Knit Set Up

First of all, please let me apologize to the people who left comments on the post about my breast cancer journey a few months ago Breast Cancer Awareness Month and My Story, This is the Morning and Update ~ Post Surgery. I didn't get an email notification for the comments and didn't know there were comments for the posts. I happened to be poking around and found a bunch of comments and I was so touched by each one of your kind comments. I am so sorry that I didn't reply to them, but I deeply appreciate them. I changed the setting, so now I finally get email notifications.

I can't believe it has been almost 6 months from my mastectomy. I had quite a rough time after the surgery from the reaction to the anesthesia, bleeding problems on both breasts resulting in me going back to surgery the next day, infections and low grade fevers that lingered for a few months. I just didn't feel like writing a post about it during that time. My fever finally went away and the last couple of months I have been sewing a lot more and enjoying my family. But this morning, I am ready to go back in to get the second part of reconstruction surgery. Wish me luck!

In the month of March, I sewed several clothes using the fabrics I already had. It was a very good experience to revisit the fabrics and patterns I already had and complete the projects. I am very much motivated to continue this even though it is April, in fact, I would love to keep going till I use up all my apparel fabrics. I finished this knit set up a couple days ago.

I have been looking for a T-shirt with V-neck in the back, but I never found one with just the right amount of opening. I drafted a pattern and made this one and I. love. it! I found this knit probably a year or two ago and couldn't decide what to do with it, so I stashed it in my closet. I am usually intimidated by knits, but this one is thicker and it was much easier to work with.

Clothing like this is comfortable to wear, you can mix and match with other things, and with the right accessories you could instantly look put together and that is exactly what I love about them. My newest project is also a knit set up with a slightly different design. I didn't have time to take pictures, so I will share it after I recover from the surgery. Stay tuned!


  1. Sachiko, I have been following your blog for a few years. I love you.
    You do not have to reply to comments. I appreciate your apology but I really really think you are one brave brave girl. I love you even more for that. Please continue to recover. You are always in my prayers

    Your outfit is adorable. It looks massively classy on you. (I would not be able to pull this off, but you are so pretty) I love knits, and I love that there are so many wonderful patterns now.
    Best wishes on your next step

  2. This looks cheery and comfortable, and I like that it's two pieces. You look super in this! Come to think of it, though, you look great in everything you sew, Sachiko. Thinking of you today and wishing you a speedy recovery.

  3. So hopefully by now you are enjoying your Summer and most of all enjoying a full recovery from all the procedures.
    Your knit separates look great, being a blog reader I have read a blog called Diary of a Sewing Fanatic. ( )
    She sews sooo beautifully in knits and also many other fabrics. But, one thing I've noticed that she does that may be of help to you is she used a wooden item called a clapper.... (I think) that will help flatten the seams into submission. I know, funny thought making your fabric behave... sort of like a kid. LoL...
    Anyway, that may help. But really you do such terrific work... hang in there you are doing great. Enjoy your blog... oh, an being as the Summer has gotten hotter and hotter... I bet you wear your knit set all the time now. We like outside of Ogden... West of Hill Air Force Base.
