Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Rifle Peper Co. Wildwood Top

I bought this fabric by Rifle Paper Co. Wildwood a while ago, but being that I am indecisive, it was forgotten in a pile. In the last few weeks, I have been going through my fabric stash and patterns and doing my own "Sew My Stash Challenge". I haven't formally announced the challenge or anything, but it feels good to make decisions and to sew with the fabrics on my shelves (or in a closet or on the floor, haha), it's about time! I used pattern Burda 6204, it has three different styles. I chose a style with ruffles on the sleeves and the bottom, but I modified the pattern a little. I brought the neckline a bit higher, narrowed the armholes and reduced the ruffles and decided not to add the ruffles on the bottom.

It is easy to sew and wear; a perfect top for summer! As I was wearing it, I noticed my teenage daughter was eyeing it and complimented it a few times. She normally doesn't care about clothing and she hates going shopping, for her to say something like "ooh, I like that" or "that is a cute top" is a big deal for me, I was giddy inside! When she wore it, it looked better on her than on me. I have a feeling that the shirt may end up in her closet for good and I don't mind at all. :) I have more projects lined up, so come back to check them out soon!


  1. WOW I love sweet girly tops. This is adorable, and it looks wonderful on you... and I bet your teen age daughter will enjoy it. That is a nice thing. My girls are all little and tall like me so we used to and still do share clothing... well, I usually get their hand me downs and I do give them tops I have made. I always adjust the neckline too. I like the changes you made This blouse is lovely!!

  2. I like this! It's nicer than a t-shirt -which is my normal summer attire- especially with that little sleeve ruffle. Also that longer sleeve and v-neck both are flattering for fuller figures. Thanks for sharing, and congrats on using something from your stash!
