Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another small project

Remember this quilt? I posted a while back. Well, I have a hard time throwing away left over fabrics. Sometimes even 1" x 1" scraps. Usually I keep them in a basket, "just in case" I need them or come up with something just to use them. As usual, I kept the left overs from this quilt and forgot about it.

I have been in a spring cleaning mood lately, and rediscoverd the left overs I have fogotten. Forget about the spring cleaning, an idea came just popped in to my mind about what to do with these orphan fabrics. I made this!

When I use basket style bags during the summer, knik knaks get lost in the bag and it is very hard to find them. Perhaps, this will solve the problem. Maybe like this.

Oh, this morning I heard on the news that today is "Earth day". It stuck in my mind all day. Then, at a quilt shop I picked up these......Yeah! Go Green! That's how I roll, baby!


  1. I love your patchwork bag...and the green fabrics are gorgeous!!!

  2. I really dig that bag! What's the measurements on it? I may have to make one of those for little quick errands. All I would need to do is grab a few necessary items for Iszak and be out the door in a flash versus having to load up a huge diaper bag.

  3. Ok, When I made this I didn't measure it at all. So, here is the finished size, 8"wide x 7 1/2"tall X 2"deep. I hope this will help.

  4. what a cute project! I'm finally finishing a wall quilt that I started years ago. I'm glad it will be finished :)

  5. I love the way your mind thinks and I LOVE that bag!

  6. you are so creative.. i like your blog. nice..

  7. Love the bag! And I adore the green fabric!
