Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Link Party No.10 /My Little Project " Bleached!"

Welcome back to the "Wednesday at Tea Rose Home link party"! This week, I am going to close the link on Thursday night, and post the link love on Saturday. Since I usually post every other day, if I Post "Link Love" on Monday, and the "Link Party" on Wednesday, it's like most of the week's posts become one big link party post.

I love doing the link party, but my intention for my blog is not to be identified as a link blog. I wanted a little more space between the link posts. I am still trying to see what the best way is to do this, and I might change something in the future too. Sorry for the inconvenience!

I will share a project that I did... I named this project "Bleached!".

One day, I got a call that unexpected guests were coming... I had to go through my house and did some spot cleaning (who told you that my house is always clean? That is just an illusion...). The bathroom was one of the areas that I had to take care of.

The next day, as I was folding the laundry, I noticed that my shirt that I wore the day before had gotten some bleach on it! Noooo! Don't you hate it when that happens? I was being careful but obviously I wasn't careful enough. When I found the bleached area my face was like this:

I loved the shirt, but good-bye...I decided to make this into something Rachel could wear.

Here is what I did:

1. I cut the bottom area (that is the bleached area).

2. Cut the sleeves off too.

3. Open up the sleeves to make bias tape.

4. Cut 1" off from the top to make the neckline shorter.

5. Pin the bias tapes around the sleeve area and sew. Turn, pin and stitch.

6. I made a pocket to give a more kids clothes feel to it.


Rachel enjoyed watching the process of "Mommy's clothes become her clothes."

I enjoyed watching her wearing it and being happy. I guess my clothes getting bleached wasn't such a bad thing. ;)

Ok, it is your turn. Please show me (and the other readers), what you have been working on and enjoy the party!

Here are the rules:

1. Please post something YOU made. It doesn't matter if it is crochet, quilt, clothing, anything would be fine. I want to see it! If you use someone's idea or patterns please give them the rightful credit.

2. Link to your specific post, that way it is easier for everybody to find and read it.

3. Please grab the "Tea Rose Home" grab button, and link back from your post. If you can mention the party in your post or place the button on your side bar, that would be great! I want more people to have a chance to come and show off their creation.


  1. It's a good thing you could give that shirt a second life! It looks very nice! and the result is perfect!

  2. Hi Sachiko

    You did a great job for turning your shirt into Rachel's
    I should try this ^_^

    btw, thanks for visiting my blog last week

  3. I have a dress that I love that I did that to, I will have to get it out and see if I can remake it into something useful. Yours looks super cute on your little girl!

  4. Adorable refashion!! I love the little pockets. It is a good reminder that little pockets can have such big impact.

  5. the top turned out so sweet! and Rachel seems to love it, too! :)

  6. Your top is beautiful! I love the idea that you converted something of yours to something for your daughter - very sweet!

  7. What a gorgeous dress. You are so clever. Thanks again for the link party.

  8. OH! I love what you made with it! LOVE! Sorry it's no longer your shirt (bleach: been there, done that), but what you came up with is beyond perfect.

  9. The shirt you refashioned looks fabulous! I love it.

  10. Oh, I would mourn the loss of that shirt too! But your daughter's new shirt is just adorable! I love the pockets you added.

  11. Thanks for hosting the linky party! First time participating--can't wait to see what your creative readers have been up to!

  12. That is so clever! It turned out as cute as can be.

  13. It ´s a very good way to give that shirt a second life. Your little girl lloks so cute!

  14. This is my first time participating as well! It is actually my first craft linky ever!

    I'm wishing I didn't get rid of the many shirts I've ruined over the have such a knack for seeing the potential in everything!

  15. That "smock" is terribly cute!!! I want one for me! I love what you did with it, how wonderfully creative!

  16. I can't believe how cute this is. Sachiko you're soooo talented!

  17. Love you blog.kisses from Italy

  18. Thanks so much for hosting! I love the shirt revamp you did! Your little girl is so stinking cute too!!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!!
    Meet Virginia!!!

  19. ooh, so cute! I would have been really sad to have bleached that one too! Looks very pretty on your daughter too.

  20. That top is adorable. Nice work!

    Andrea @

  21. Cute! I love the layered overdress look!
    Though I think the moral of the story may be to wear a grubby old t-shirt while cleaning the house, especially the real cleaning, with things like bleach... just sayin'... :-)

  22. thanks for stopping by------
    p.s. no food or drinks on scalloped slipcover chair that is my rule for my kidlets!

    i love this post---the outfit turned out dar-ling! your little girl is adorable too!


  23. Your refashion turned out beautifully!
