Saturday, July 17, 2010

Link love!

There are many entries this time too, thank you so much for participating everyone! I thoroughly enjoyed all of them and picked a few to highlight for you to enjoy...

The Blueberry Monkey made Lydia Dresses using Pink Fig Patterns. I have never used their patterns before, but she said they are very easy to follow, that is always good to know. The dress turned out so nicely!

A few posts ago, I posted doll clothes I made for my little girl using her old baby clothes. Honeydew Production shared clothes she made for her daughter and matching clothes for her daughter's doll. She used real patterns and reduced them for her daughter, and then kept reducing the size for the doll. She did such an amazing job; put my "let's see what happens if I do this" doll clothes to shame. :)

Unfortunatly I can't post a picture here, but, please go visit her site!

Cupcakes have become really popular in the last little while. Sometimes I watch DC Cupcakes on TLC and drool over them (why do I do that to myself, I have to fight the urge to bake cupcakes and eat them in the middle of the night). Anyways... going back to the link party, The Fickle Hobbyist shares how to make Cupcake Bath Bombs. I would love to give it a try. Wouldn't it be fun to have girls night with cupcake theme party? Start with cupcake invitation and make cupcake bath bomb together, then eat cupcake for a treat?

I am Momma Hear Me Roar shares her leather corsage. I don't have experience in using leather myself, but I always have been interested. She makes it look so simple and easy that I think I want to try working with leather now. Very pretty and chic!

I usually tie a ribbon to identify my luggage, but no more! Project Naptime has shown a wonderful and creative way to make your luggage stand out to you and be more stylish than the other pieces around it. These luggage taglets are so pretty and useful.

Ahhh... I want to start working on some more projects. My "Someday I want to make this list" keeps growing every week. How about your's?

By the way, I am hosting a giveaway for one of my wonderful sponsors, The Toasted Coconuts, on Monday. Make sure to come back and enter to win the prize! Have a nice Sunday. :)


  1. ooh, love everything here! your blog and advice are great!
    can i post a link to my drawing giveaway here, too? :)

  2. thank to u ;) good week!!

  3. Thank you Sachiko for the linky love!!
    You young and talented women astound me. I am so glad there is this technology to encourage and inspire...I only wish it had been around when I was your age...

    Keep up the GREAT work!


  4. What an absolutely sweet photograph. I hope you've framed it. Lovely!

  5. That dress and the fabric is so adorable!!! Everything you shared is great.

  6. Love your link love!
    I thank you you still have time to comment on my post i linked to your "Wednesday at Tea Rose Home Link Party".

    You inspire me a lot and i was totally stunned when i see your comment on my post. Thank you Sachiko!

    Have a very great week :D


  7. Thanks for linking my leather flower clip! I meant to comment the other but didn't get around to it. The lavender shirt you did was absolutely AMAZING!!! Loved it.

  8. Thank you so much for featuring my cupcakes! What an honor. :) I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work.

  9. Thank you so much for mentioning my luggage tags! I'm new to the craft blog world since "retiring" from writing for a magazine and coming home with my little man. It truly humbles me when crafters like you spotlight them! I only hope I can improve even more. Love your blog!

  10. So cute. Very nice and the way how to do it is shown wonderfully. Thank you for sharing.
