Thursday, July 20, 2017

Skirting the Issue/ Free Skirt Patterns

Liz and Elizabeth of Simple Simon ladies started Skirting the Issue years ago and I have been participating by providing free patterns for people to use online. You can visit the link to find out more about it.
Basically, it is a month long event that they host every July where you are invited to sew along with them and other participants to make skirts (and quilts and pillowcases) to donate to the local Foster Care centers for the girls (and boys) to receive just in time for back to school.

I didn't have time to create a new pattern this year, but here are a couple links to my free skirt patterns for you to use.

My ultimate favorite Insta Pocket Skirt pattern. Coordinating the fabrics to create this skirt is very fun and you can make pockets with a breeze.

If you are looking for something more simple to make, this Half Circle Skirt might be perfect. I made a couple of those for my daughter in different colors and they were her most favorite skirts. I need to make some more since she has grown.

I hope these tutorials will be useful to you and many girls in foster care who will be receiving new skirts to wear for the upcoming school year!

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