Saturday, June 6, 2009

What makes you happy?

It has been one week since the kids have finished school. I spend less driving, but I feel like I am always worrying about the next meal, cleaning, and doing stuff with the kids. I don't have much time to sew, but I've been having fun!

I have been working on few projects here and there. One thing I have done and I am very happy about is this:

Michael out grew these pants a couple month ago. It still fits perfectly around his waist but it is too short. I love the color, I wanted the pants to last a bit longer. So, I made it into a pair of shorts! It is such a simple thing but I can't help thinking that I am such a frugul, resourceful, GOOD wife!! (I'm not going to mention the money spent at fabric stores)

Also, I have been working on this quilt.

I did the embroidery, piecing, and started quilting several years ago. These Santa designs came from a book called "37 Sweet Santa Appliques" by Kari Pearson. It was an applique pattern, but I decided to use it as a stitchery pattern instead. I wanted to make this quilt for part of the Christmas decorations and I thought that my children would like it. It has been so long since I started this quilt; this is the year, I will finish it before the kids get too old and don't care about Santa!

I started quilting this again about two weeks ago. I can't take a big chunk of time but a little bit here and a little bit there is actually helping. Oh, I hope this quilt will be on the wall this Christmas. Wish me luck!

I have more small projects that I want to do, and the list never shrinks, eventhough I finish one, two new ones pop up! But, I love it. I love it all!! I mean, sewing, drawing, designing, quilting, cutting, pasting, beading, and knitting; I mean anything to do with creating makes me happy.

I will post more small projects and hopefully some big ones too.

Every one have a Happy Summer!! ;)


  1. Knowing you makes me happy!! I will forever be in awe when I see your many wonderful creations!

  2. lazy days of me not having to take anyone to school!


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