Hi everyone. Are you wondering why the end of the sentence is "." instead of "!" like I normally write? Well...I have been sick for the last couple days; I am feeling better today but not completely. So, I hope you are taking good care of yourselves and staying out of the flu's way. :)
I have been working on a bunch of small projects for a while, and this is one of my very favorites, but before I share the tutorial for this pillow, let me share other things as well.

I shared a tutorial for
how to make flowers out of pom-pom trims previously;

Today I am going to share what I did with those pom-pom flowers. Just like any other crafted flowers, you can use them for many different projects. These are just a few examples if what I did. I will give you either a quick explanation or tutorial for each project.

* The first picture: Corsage

I happened to have all these pom-pom trims and I just went with it. Though, as you can imagine, it depends on what color combination you decide, the size of the pom-pom flowers you use or the arrangement of the flowers that will totally change the whole look of this corsage. Do you have anyone particular in mind who loves certain color combination and pom-poms? She might like this corsage.

Decide what size of corsage you are going to make, then cut out a piece of felt for slightly smaller than that size. Cut off the corners as well.

Sew the pin on the felt then glue the flowers onto the felt.
* The second picture: Bracelet

I found these amazing things while I was waiting in Joann's checkout line... boy they know how to sell their stuff. :) I stitched some pearls in the middle of the pom-pom flowers, and glued them on the wrist band. For the finishing touch, I simply cut out some felt to glue to the back to make it look prettier and give support to the flowers.

* The third picture: Hair clip

You might have already seen how to make hair clips, so I won't cover the details here. Basically, you glue the ribbon to the metal hair clip, when it's dry, glue the pom-pom flowers to the clip.
* The last picture: Pillow

I actually kept my most favorite pom-pom flower project for last...yes, a pillow. I found a cotton sweater at the thrift shop for very cheap (I think it was about $3), and used it to make the pillow. The rest is easy. Just decorate it with pom-pom flowers however you like!
1. Turn the sweater inside out. Flatten it and make sure the seam or the weave match up. I marked my sweater 11 1/2" x 18 1/2". Leaving a 4" opening on the bottom seam(for turning the pillow later) Sew on the marked line.

2. Zigzag stitch right next to the sewed line, then cut outside of the zigzag line. Doing it this way can prevent the fraying and messy-ness. If you have a Serger, you can sew and cut in no time.

3. Turn the sweater inside out. It looks a little weavy, but don't worry, when you stuff the pillow, it's not too noticeable.

4. Decorate the pillow with pom-pom flowers. I stitched my flowers (so if I ever change my mind, I can always unpick it to use the pom-poms for something else!), but if you want to make it quick and simple, you can glue them on too.

I LOVE this pillow. Don't you think it looks kind of cozy, whimsy and perfect for the season?
The small projects I shared here are very simple and quick to make, they might be perfect for a girls night out gift exchange or as Christmas presents. So, think twice before you throw the leftover pom-pom trims away. :)