Boy... I don't know about you, but building a house can be an emotional rollercoaster if you let it. There are some ups and downs, but it looks like we can close on our house in middle of August. School is starting at the same time, so no matter how much I prepare for it, I know it will be chaotic for a while after we move in.
I am trying to see beyond that, and putting myself in my happy place. That would be, I am in a clean house and everything put away, my sewing room all organized and of course I am there sewing happily... I just cannot wait to get to that point.
This summer we are doing things a little differently with the kids, but we are still having fun. The last few weeks, we have been doing a lot on top of our usual summer activities.
We went to see "The Sound of Music" at an outdoor theater one night. The play started when there was still sunlight, but as the play progressed it grew darker. It created the perfect atmosphere for the end of the play, where the family was trying to escape while the Nazis were looking for them. Many flash light were moving among the audience. The kids have seen the movie, but watching the play was a whole new experience. They were so excited about it, we even bought the soundtrack a couple days later and are listening to the songs!

Here are some pictures of us:

I have been working on my projects but, I have been building memories with my family. :)
How are you all doing this summer? What have you been up to?