Friday, October 28, 2016

Christmas Fabric Bundle Giveaway and Super Easy Pillowcase Tutorial

Today's post it about a Christmas fabric bundle giveaway and sewing tutorial! I will share the details about the giveaway at the end of the post. :)

I was given a chance to work with Modes4u again. They have a variety of cute Japanese character items such as stationary, bento boxes and fabrics. Look at this fun White Christmas Wonderland fabric by Andover.

November and December is the busiest time of the year for everyone, but you might be thinking about sewing something as a gift for your loved ones. I wanted to share something useful and quick to sew today! :)

{You will need}

44" wide fabric --- 42"
Matching thread
Pom-pom trim --- 42"

{How to}

1. Trim your fabric, so it will be 44" wide x 41"long. Fold the fabric horizontally right sides together, then cut it to 36"wide. As shown in the picture, sew two sides and take care of the raw edges with zig-zag stitch or serger to prevent fraying.

2. Fold 1/2" on the edge of the pillowcase opening, press with iron and fold 3", then press with iron.

4. Turn the pillowcase inside out so the right side of the fabric is outside. Pin pom-pom trim on top of the sewed line and sew. I used my zipper foot.

That. is. it! Now you can enjoy the simple and pretty pillowcase. Wouldn't it be fun to make new pillowcases for your family and friends?

Oh, wait! That is not all...
You can use the pillowcase as a gift sack with a ribbon as well.

Now, it is time for the giveaway! Who would love to win this pretty Christmas fabric bundle?

I will post the winner on the 11th. Good luck everyone!

Monday, October 24, 2016

New Tiny Tin Sewing Room in the Shop

Hello, hello! I am back with the announcement of new tiny tin sewing rooms! All new 22 unique sewing rooms are available at my etsy shop. Please hop over to see if you are interested! :)

I feel like it has been such a long time since I have done any tutorial posts... but I am sharing a sewing tutorial plus a giveaway at the end of this week. Make sure to come visit again!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Book Review ~ I Modify IKEA

I was given the chance to review a new book called "I Modify IKEA". Being a big IKEA fan (and yes, we do have many pieces from IKEA in my house), the title alone was very intriguing and I jumped at the opportunity. :)

The clever duo, authors of this book, Charlotte Rivers and Elyse Major did a wonderful job introducing 50 DIY projects! Each project in the book offers illustrations and step-by-step instructions to recreate the examples. Depending on what paint colors or fabrics you choose to use, you can create your own unique look for your home.

Let me share some of the projects I would love to try...

Using Runnen, you can create a neat bathmat. By using more of them you can make it as big as you wish. I personally like this for inside my garage where we take our shoes off.

I am a sucker for baskets, and I fell in love with this look. The basket they used for this project "Nipprig" is discontinued, but I can use the same idea for the baskets I already have and personalize it for a fraction of the cost. How cute!

This reading bench was created using Kallax; it is very stylish and practical. I can totally see how things like this can be a great use in the living room or kids room. Just imagine... with different fabric choices and pillows you can totally customize the look for you.

Last but not least... check this couch out... how unique and adorable!! It's like a couch you see in a high end furniture catalog. It is a much bigger project (and a bit scary to try), but the fabric lover in me REALLY wants to do this someday.

I have a long "To Make" list, but I am sure I just added more to that list. I love IKEA items because of their versatile and stylish designs, but I think I will see them in a different light on my next visit. There are a lot more unique and practical projects in this book "I Modify IKEA" , I highly recommend you check it out.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

New Tiny Tin Sewing Rooms are In!

It's been a while since I last posted. The response for my Tiny Tin Sewing Rooms is more than I expected and I sold all the sewing rooms, Yay! I still have the two Christmas Wonderland ones, please check them out if you are interested. I have been making more over" the past two weeks and I am happy to announce that they are available in my Etsy shop now!
There are 14 new sewing rooms and here are some of my favorites.

Aren't they so fun to look at?

I am going to post a review post for "I Modify IKEA" in my next post. I will see you then! :)

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