Today, we have a special treat, I mean literally. Ashlee from
I'm Topsy Turvy is here to share one of her amazing recipes. I knew Ashlee through blogging but we first met at one of the meet ups. There I found out that she and her family used to live in Japan and she loves the food, people and culture there!
Having something in common and her super friendly personality meant we would easily become good friends.
You might have seen this post on her blog, but it is such a great post, with her permission, I wanted to share it with you all, in case you haven't seen it. Ashlee, take it away!
Hello Tea Rose Home readers! My name is Ashlee and I blog at
I'm Topsy Turvy! I'm THRILLED to be posting here today!

I dabble in a bit of everything. I like to create and craft in multiple mediums, from food to craft supplies and the hardware store. Cakes, Recipes and Parties. Also Sewing, Crocheting, Knitting, and pretty much any craft I can get my hands on! And finally I LOVE to dry wall, paint, tile, use power tools and build things.

The only things I’m NOT into is cleaning (I do like doing laundry, but I don’t like putting it away, my dryer is always full of the latest load…) and exercising! But I’m first and formost a mom (and wife), I have five wonderful children and a wonderfully supportive husband.

Today I'm sharing my Sweet Crepe recipe!

I first made crepes back in College with a fellow roomie who loves cooking as much as I do! They were AMAZING! BUT I didn't write down the recipe and I couldn't find a recipe that I liked as much after that... until now!
These are SWEET crepes, more dessert than meal, but we didn't let that stop us from enjoying them for our back to school/11 month birthday dinner last week! And I'll be having these for my own birthday breakfast (next week...)
3 C milk
6 eggs
4 Tbsp butter melted
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 C flour
4 Tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
Put everything into a blender and mix until smooth. Refrigerate the batter for an hour to let the bubbles settle and the batter with thicken a bit.
heat a large flat skillet on med high and once it's hot pout 3-4 Tbsp of batter, QUICKLY tilt the pan in a circle to cover the bottom. I cook it for about 40 seconds on each side. Use a spatula to loosen the edge and flip the crepe. It depends on how hot your pan is. I LIKE it cooking fast, I can get through the batch faster that way...
serve right away, or let the crepes cool, stack, refrigerate and serve the next day!
Buttermilk Syrup
1 C buttermilk
1 C butter
2 C sugar
1 Tbsp light corn syrup
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
Combine the buttermilk, butter, sugar and syrup in a LARGE sauce pan. bring the mixture to a boil on medium heat and boil for 5 mins, stirring constantly. Remove it from the heat and continue stirring and add the vanilla and baking soda.
IMPORTANT- when you add the baking soda the mixture will foam to the top of the pot, continue stirring until the mixture calms down! Allow it to sit for a few minutes before serving! It will end up being a lovely buttery color!
Sweet Cream Cheese Crepe Filling
16 oz cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 C powdered sugar
2/3 C sour cream
1 tsp vanilla
Beat the cream cheese then add everything else and blend! Keep extra refrigerated and it will last a few more days!

I like to layer the filling and sweetened strawberries, roll it up, top with the buttermilk syrup and fresh whipped cream (I love my whipped cream charger and use it year round on treats, and in my hot chocolate!)
What about you? What filling would you use? Strawberries? A different fruit? I hear blueberries, and bananas are good (but I don't like either one so I haven't tried it), Nutella seems to be a popular choice as well! Thanks for having me visit!
Thank you Ashlee for a wonderful post! Now my stomach is rumbling; they look so yummy!
Go check out her blog
I'm Topsy Turvy for more awesomeness!