Thursday, September 30, 2021

McCall's 8044 Skirt with Linen

Hello! How have you all been?? As I mentioned in the last post, I had a pretty busy summer and I didn't sew much... I just wanted to spend more time with my children. They are growing up too fast, but they seem to not mind that at all. I was having a hard time catching up with the speed. Now that my middle son has left home and my youngest has gone back to school, I am getting my sewing mojo back! There were a few things I wanted to sew, but I decided to try the McCall's 8044, pattern first.
When my family and I took a quick trip to Colorado this summer, I visited a fabric shop called Fancy Tiger Crafts. They had a great selection of linens and I picked up a Terrazzo printed linen without any particular project in mind. When I was looking at the pattern, the fabric came to my mind right away. I was drawn to the picture of style C on the pattern, but I didn't quite have enough to make that, so I went with style B instead.
I used my Babylock 5/8" adjustable seam guide foot again to ensure the accuracy of the seam while I was sewing. It not only sped things up, I feel like I could sew with confidence.
It is hard to tell with this fabric, but there are buttons on the side. I like how this pattern doesn't require that much fabric, the skirt drapes nicely and also looks slimming.
Since this is made with thin linen, I won't be wearing it during the winter, but I could enjoy it a little bit longer with the right layering. I pulled out a cardigan from my closet and got ready for the evening.


  1. Lovely, Sachiko. Very pretty. I do indeed relish your posts. Happy sewing!

  2. It's perfect! And you look lovely in it!

  3. Lovely, Sachiko, and you look gorgeous in it! I hope to pick up that pattern myself now. I don't know if you also made the blouse, but it looks perfect with the skirt! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Sachiko, this skirt is beautiful.
    You look like a little doll in it. I should make this pattern.
    Thank you for this very inspiring pattern!!
    Happy Autumn!! 🍂🍁🍃

  5. That skirt came out so beautiful! I love the color! Great job!


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