Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Link Party No. 47! / I am in love with...

...this fabric. I was at a quilt shop last week, and found this laminated cotton. I have several ideas what to make with it, but I haven't really decided yet.
One of my friends loves this color combination, and I guess it rubbed off on me. It is so cute!

I have been busy sewing baby blankets to donate last week, and I am going to finish one of my quilt tops to donate. My friend is going to do a fund raising event for Japan on April 9th, I am not exactly sure, but it sounds like it will be a big yard sale and such. I wanted to help in some ways, so I decided to donate one of my quilts for a drawing. I am thinking if someone spends or donates more than a certain amount, their names will be put in the box for drawing.
A close friend of mine agreed to help me with the machine quilt, so it will be done by that day. The quilt I am donating is this one...

I wrote a post about this quilt top in June of 2009, and never got around to quilting it. I love the quilt top, but I am more excited that it will be used for something good.

I will let you know more details about the fund raising event, when I hear from my friend. So, if you are in the Utah county area, mark the calendar on April 9th!

Now, go ahead and link up to our weekly party! Visit each other, leave comments and have fun. :)

1. Please post something YOU made. It doesn't matter if it is crochet, quilt, clothing, anything would be fine. I want to see it! If you use someone's idea or patterns please give them the rightful credit.

2. Link to your specific post, that way it is easier for everybody to find and read it.

3. Please grab the "Tea Rose Home" grab button, and link back from your post. If you can mention the party in your post or place the button on your side bar, that would be great! I want more people to have a chance to come and show off their creation.

Show us what you've done!!

This linky list is now closed.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blog Swap ~Scraps & Scribbles~

Hi everyone, I am happy to introduce Courtney from Scraps & Scribbles to you! She is a mother of adorable little boy, and runs her blog Scraps & Scribbles. She has many tutorials on her blog to share.

My favorites are her Tile Pendants and Anthro-Inspired Striped Ruffle Tee.
Head over and check out her fun blog!

Ok Courtney, take it away!

I'm so excited to be here over at Tea Rose Home today!  Sachiko's blog is one of my favorites and it's also one of the very first blogs I started following back when I entered "blogland."  I love all of her beautiful creations-her Ruffle Tee was the first tutorial I tried!  I still get compliments on that shirt all the time!

In case you're wondering who this girl is rambling on and on, I'm Courtney from Scraps and Scribbles.  I'm a SAHM to one busy 2-year-old boy.  I've been married to my wonderful husband for just over 5 years.  We live in sunny Florida, and love it.  When I'm not spending time with my son or taking care of the typical housewife things like cleaning and the laundry, I like to craft, sew, cook/bake and take pictures.  I have a little Etsy shop that I run with my sister-in-law were we sell our pretty creations.  It's full of fun vintage finds and pretty jewelery to dress up your outfits.  I love fashion and make-up and sharing what I find.  If you'd like to know more about me, you can check out the About Me page over at my blog.

Today I'm sharing a simple way to disguise a holey tee.  I'm still a novice seamstress, so when it comes to me and sewing, simple is best.

I had a little bit of a mystery-a bunch of almost new tees were developing holes in them, all near the bottom of the shirt, thus ruining otherwise perfectly good shirts.  Not only was it frustrating because I didn't know what was causing the holes, but I felt like I was wasting money because these shirts that had only been worn 2 or 3 times were now trashed.  

This is only about half of the pile of shirts with holes.  I needed to come up with a creative way to cover up the holes without it being obvious that I was hiding something.

With the purple tee (which is also right there on the top), the holes were kind of big and covered a wider area

They were also a little off-center, so it presented a bigger challenge. 

To fix yours up, you'll need:

A holey tee

A tee to cut up in a matching/coordinating color

matching thread

rotary mat, cutter and ruler

tailor's chalk 

Then I found this tee at a consignment shop and had an idea.  It matched the contrast stitching on the purple holey tee perfectly.

It was only $3!  And HUGE!  I've never seen such a large medium-sized tee!  But that meant there was plenty of fabric to work with.

To start off with, I folded the dark purple tee in half and with tailor's chalk, marked a line diagonally down from the collar to just past the last hole at the bottom.

I pulled it out flat like this, still keeping it folded in half (see the chalk line) so that the area I cut out would be even.  Then I cut out that chunk-bye-bye holes!

I measured the length of the piece I cut out and the width at the bottom and cut a piece out using those measurements from the lavender tee.

I wanted it to have a gathered look at the top, so I stitched some thread in about 1/4 in. down from the top of the edge and gathered it by pulling on the thread.

Then, using the piece I had cut out of the purple tee as a guide, I trimmed up the lavender piece

Then pinned it in place.

And sewed the pieces together.

Like so.

Now, you could stop here if you wanted.  But I felt it needed a little something more.

Rosettes make everything prettier!  I cut a few strips of fabric from the lavender tee and rolled them into rosettes, stitching them in place as I went so they wouldn't come undone.

Then attached them to my tee at the collar.

And there you have it!

Holes? What holes?

I'm quite pleased with how it turned out and I hope you love yours too!

Thanks so much for letting me "come over" today Sachiko!  I hope you all come by Scraps and Scribbles and say hi!  I'd love to meet you!

Wow, isn't that awesome project? Thank you Courtney for visiting us today!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Link Love No.46!

Before I begin, I have picked a winner for the Shabby Apple giveaway. Head on over to see if you have won. But don't feel bad if you didn't, there is a coupon code at the bottom of that post.

There were many great posts this time. Before I do my usual five spot lights, let me spot light two special posts whose projects are trying to help the people in Japan.

Susan from Living with Punks told me about this project started by Chelsea from Pink Fig.

Basically, Susan wants to help with this project and wants you to join in! The goal is to make 500 t-shirt to ship to Japan. Interested? Go to Living with Punks to get more details.

Christie from My Ocean of Notions shared a tutorial to make mittens. She is sending them to Miyagi (that's where I came from). I watched on the news that at night, the temperature drops a lot and I know these mittens will be so handy to many people. Christie also posted two addresses you can send items to in Japan (no food items), they will make sure to take them to people in need.

My family is still there, even though their house is still standing, they have a hard time getting gas, and food. People in evacuation centers are starting to get some supplies, but most people who are in individual houses have a harder time receiving such things. A couple days ago, I was able to talk to my sister. While we were talking, they received a package from a friend who lives in a different prefecture! I am planning to make a package to send to my family next week too.

There are so many people living in harsh conditions right now, and who knows how long it will last. Even though they started building temporary houses right away, it will take a while till they are complete.

So, Susan, Christie, and whoever else is putting in the effort to make a difference to help people in Japan... Thank you so much! I am trying to do with what I can; it is so empowering to know there are more people out there with the same intent.

Thank you!

Ok, I will share my link love for this week. :)

Me sew crazyshared her recovered umbrella. Isn't it so pretty? It rained all the time where I grew up in Japan, and I still remember my favorite umbrella. Even though I don't really need one where I live now, I like looking at pretty umbrella sometimes.

I have seen many makeovers of candle stand with plates, but this is different. My Garden of Eden shared a tutorial on how to make these cute spring colored candy jars. Such a fun and useful idea!

Me being technologically challenged (my husband revoked my Japanese card), I don't know when I will decide to buy a kindle (or nook), but my husband loves his. I know all the others around me love theirs too. Surviving Motherhood shared this awesome kindle kozy she created. This is one of the great gift ideas for birthdays and Christmas (ok, there is father's day and mother's day too...). :)

I. LOVE. THIS DRESS. tidbits shared this amazing dress for a little girl with us today. The view from the front sure is cute, but I died when I saw the picture of the back. SO, so, cute!! The whole design is well thought out and pretty, but I can’t ignore the cuteness from the color combination. Great job!

The last one for today is this Berberis Bag. Wondrlanding makes very fun and unique items. I always admire her sense of style. The pink and red combination is very sweet. The drawstring closure is a nice touch!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Down Memory Lane ~Irish Chain Quilt~

I wrote three posts about my quilts that I made in the past for Christopher, Michael and Rachel. I used "Down Memory Lane" as the title and as the intention of writing more about my other quilts.

Well, I forgot to do this for such a long time. I am going to write about my very first large quilt I made about 17 years ago, but before that let me tell you how my love for quilts and quilting got started...

Ever since I can remember I had a needle in my hand. I taught myself through lots of trial and errors... I tried to make my first quilt when I was 11, and I failed miserably. I didn't have a grandmother who made quilts, or classes that I could take. The next time I tried was when I was 17 and I had bought my first quilt book. I slowly tried my way up from small projects.

Growing up my sister and I always watched "Little house on the prairie". There were scenes where Mary and Laura were talking before they went to sleep, but my eyes were glued to those quilts on the bed. I really wanted to make one for myself. I know that's how my love for quilts started. I think that is why my early quilts were all very traditional or pioneer style (and there are other movies that had quilts in it, I loved that quilt in You've Got Mail. You know the scene when Meg Ryan was sick in bed and Tom Hanks visited her? The quilt was so pretty. I was paying more attention to the quilts than what they were saying when I first watched the movie).

Also, I thought "doing all by hand" is so fascinating and somewhat romantic. So, the cutting, piecing and quilting I have done ALL BY HAND. Now? Oh no, I still love quilting by hand, but I LOVE machine piecing. Also, I have a special place in my heart for whoever invented the rotary cutting system.

I have a book called "Old Swedish Quilts" by Åsa Wettre. The book contains a rich history of quilting, where it originated, how people lived around that era and such. It is very educational and insightful, I would recommend that you read it someday. There are many interesting things that I want to share with you from the book, but let me share this one part with you. Actually, this one part made me decide to make this Irish chain quilt in the first place.

"A tradition, which had its origin in England, stipulated that a girl must have twelve patchwork quilts in her dowry. The thirteenth was her wedding quilt and would be made only if she married. It was the most beautiful one, often with embroidery and with heart-shaped designs in the stitching."

Wow... girls must have twelve quilts; the thirteenth was her wedding quilt... A couple of things; first of all, I am not English as you all know, but at the time I was engaged to my husband, (Ok, probably my brain was heart shaped and rosy pink from romance at the time) I REALLY wanted to make some special quilts for our wedding. Second, I bet those 12 quilts were done by many people back then, there was no way I could have made all 12 quilts and the "special" 13th quilt all by myself in several months. Not to mention that I did everything by hand at the time.

I designed my very first big quilt project on a piece of paper and started cutting the fabric. It took me more than 6 month to complete this one start to finish, and I made a Double Wedding Ring quilt and Grandma's flower garden quilts afterwards (I promise to share the story in the near future).

Over the years, my taste in quilts changed quite a bit, but I know my roots is in the traditional style. I would LOVE to make a Baltimore quilt someday!

I have favor to ask you all... do you have any movies that you like that had quilts in it that you liked? I know there are lots more I have seen, but I can't remember them all. If you have your favorite, please share it with me. :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Link Party No.46!

I wanted to share some of the birthday presents I received from my husband's cousin's wife (is there special name for that?) well, let me just say she is my friend.

We were supposed to meet back in December, but they got sick, then our family got sick and we didn't actually get together until a few weeks ago. She had special birthday surprises for me.

Check them out...

Beautiful 2 yards of crocheted lace

and a bunch of crocheted flowers (there were lots more in the box)

I look at them and think about what I am going to do with them. She told me that I can cut the lace to use it for whatever project I want. Nooooo! Seriously, I don't think I can do that. I am just going to look at it and admire the even stitches. The flowers, Rachel already had dibs on a couple of them. She wanted me to make a flower clip for her hair and most likely that will happen.

I thought they were very thoughtful and beautiful birthday gifts. Don't you think so too?
Go check out her etsy shop she makes awesome crocheted items.

Also, I posted something new on the Japan Disaster Relief page. My friend sent me this link. I watched it in Japanese first and she found the video in English. There are some mistakes in the translation, but it truly touched me.

Ok, let's start the link party no.46! Here are the rules;

1. Please post something YOU made. It doesn't matter if it is crochet, quilt, clothing, anything would be fine. I want to see it! If you use someone's idea or patterns please give them the rightful credit.

2. Link to your specific post, that way it is easier for everybody to find and read it.

3. Please grab the "Tea Rose Home" grab button, and link back from your post. If you can mention the party in your post or place the button on your side bar, that would be great! I want more people to have a chance to come and show off their creation.

Show us what you've done!!

This linky list is now closed.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Shabby Apple Giveaway! and New Quilt

Shabby apple is doing an awesome giveaway for Tea Rose Home readers. Please head over to my sponsors' page, to see how you can enter. :)

Ok, after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, my blog became much more than a "craft blog" to me. It became my place to organize my thoughts and feelings about this tragedy, and getting the support I needed. I can't tell you how grateful I am for all your comments to show your support and the information to help the people in Japan.

I am slowly returning to my normal self, and so far I feel ok. There is a lot to worry about still, but my family is alive and ok, I can breathe better now.

The first two days I was glued to the TV and trying to get as much as information as I can. Between the crying and watching TV, I finished a quilt. Being busy really helped me to moving along.

I pieced this quilt top a loong time ago. I have a pile of quilt tops sitting in my hobby room waiting to be quilted, and this was one of them... Over the years, my taste in quilts has changed a lot, but I wanted to finish this. I started hand quilting this a while ago, but I finally finished it!

Right away I basted a quilt so I can start quilting. I pieced that one almost 10 years ago, and there are two of the same ones for my boys’ beds. Hmmm... It is time to finish them. I am so glad that I didn't make it too babyish of a design. They can still use them. I will share pictures when I finish them.

I love sewing and quilting, I like all the other creative stuff too, but those two things will be my greatest loves for rest of my life. Do you have anything like that in your life that makes you happy?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tying with Love

I went to the quilt tying service that April coordinated yesterday. I was only there for one hour or so, but I am so glad I went.

I was so touched that so many people were there to help. April told me at one point there were about 75 people tying quilts! Because it was basically an open house style, people came and went. I bet more than 75 people came.

Because of the lighting, I don't have many good pictures, but here are some I want to share with you all. April is busy sewing away. She must be so busy getting ready for the quilt market in May as is... I just admire her kindness and determination to help.

Look at these helping hands...

I know many of them had other places to go, or things to do, but they were here working happily. (You guys are so awesome!)

I also noticed many young girls too, how wonderful to learn the value of service at an early age.

I don't know exactly how many quilts were made (because some people took them home to bind them at home), but I am sure there were lots. I brought a couple quilts home to finish too.

Also, April wanted me to spread the word that she will have a bunch of kits for making quilts to donate. If you are interested in making them to help out, please contact her through her blog.

Let me say thank you all for doing this. Also to all the people out there trying to make a difference, I just want to say "THANK YOU!!!" on behalf of other Japanese people... The earthquake was a horrible disaster, and I wish it never happened, but seeing people come together to show compassion and help is amazing.

It gives me some comfort to know that (I hope shipments will arrive to Japan right away!) these quilts are made with lots of love and will warm some people in Japan. Now, I’m off to work on the quilts I brought home. :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Link Love NO. 45 and More

I am sorry that it took so long to post link love no.45. It has been such an emotional week and I just couldn't do it.

I am still trying to set up a separate page for "Japan Disaster Relief" but I have been busy and don't have much computer time. I want you all to read all the comments people left. Many of them left very useful information about how you can help the people of Japan. You might find somethings that are perfect for you.

Today, Sonja sent me an email with this link;

Hi Sachiko, I found another great way for crafty people to help. A Japanese Quilt magazine has put the call out for handmade quilts which they will distribute to the people in need. Some of you asked me how you can donate your quilts to Japanese people, looks like this is one of the great way to send your quilts to Japan!

Also, talking about quilt...don't forget to go to quilt tying event tomorrow, it is a great way to do hands on service and get to know people.

Ok, now I am ready to post link love NO 45!

Kid Friendly apron was shared by tidbits. I love the happy cheerful colors and simple lines on this apron. It’s so springy and fun.

Rosy Red Button shared her nursery makeover before, this time...a blessing dress. It is a little different than the traditional style, lots of ruffles!

Oh... these are such cute carrots. Homework shared tutorial for this yarn baby carrots on her blog, these will be a perfect Easter decoration. So cute!

My kids and I love Mo Williams. His books are so unique and fun, when I read them to my kids, we all enjoy the experience. Simple Simon & Company shared this cute Pigeon shirt, inspired and created by his book. How adorable and fun!

Check this out! The V spot made this beautiful piece of pedestal Bowl from random objects and some pearl string. Seriously, she has an eye for turning something blah, to beautiful.

Thank you all for sharing your creativities, and so sorry it took so long for me to post this.

Psst... On Monday, there is something awesome happening here at Tea Rose Home, make sure to come back. :)
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