The first day of school went so well. We were actually on an “End-of- summer-mini-vacation" over the weekend, and came home on Sunday afternoon. I made sure everything was ready for school before we left town, so there was no hassle.
Guess what... my youngest started going to school full time now. I cannot believe it. I will not lie, there were times I dreamed for this day. To have more time for myself and the things that I want to do. This morning, I woke up and thought, "Wow, today is THE day".
If someone asked me how I feel right now, I actually don't know. I went out on a lunch date with my husband, and it was really nice! Although, I can't imagine not having all of my kids until I need to pick them up at 3:30. It hasn't sunk in yet... no noisy cartoons, no sounds of someone running around the house, no nagging or fighting, and no one is calling for me saying "Mommy!” Ok, I guess part of me misses having them home already.
Some of you might think that I am being a bit melodramatic, but in a way this is a growing process for me too. As they get older and spend less and less time with me, I need to gradually get use to that. So, when they leave the nest completely, I don't have a HUGE gaping hole in my heart, I will slowly start filling that with other wonderful things.
For me that would be more sewing and designing time. Time to organize and clean my house better, I could actually try a new recipe or two. More lunch dates with Mr. TRH or my girlfriends. Most of all, celebrating the milestones and accomplishments of my children.
I know many of you who read my blog have little ones at home. One piece of advice I that I can pass on to you is that you "enjoy the little ones while you can". Many people gave me that advice when I had babies and toddlers, and I don't think I quite got it that back then (it is hard to enjoy them when they are the ones who are giving you reasons to pull your hair out).
But now, I want to say the same thing to you. Enjoy them! Cuddle them, kiss them and read them books, do whatever you and your children enjoy, they grow up SO fast!
We went on a picnic during the summer, Christopher was talking to me and when I was talking to someone and turned around to talk to him again (not even a minute), he was gone. He said "Mom!", when I looked around; he was already climbing a tree and smiling at me. I think parenting is kind of like that. They are there and while we are distracted for little bit, they are gone. So, enjoy the moments with them. :)
Now, I also know many of you already have teens, or grown-ups who’ve already left home. What did you do? Did you do anything special to make the transition easier? Any words of advice you can share? I am curious to learn about the next phase I am entering.
It is hard to let them go and grow. Although, in some ways I think it is harder to keep them at home while they grow because when it comes time for them to fly from the nest they will be missed terribly!My 4 are with me practically 24/7 due to homeschool.My days are filled with guiding them and my nights filled with household chores that seem to pile up in the chaos of it all.The reality of that they just grow up too fast...when we look back on's but a fleeting moment of joy.
ReplyDeleteI have one all the way out of the house (finished college), one headed back to college today, and two we homeschool. Spending all that homeschooling time with them means 1) I am really sure I know them well and 2) I miss them more than they can comprehend. The missing them I try to keep to myself, since I don't think that, until they have their own children, they can truly understand. Their growing up has left a large hole in my time, and I'm actually trying to decide my next life focus. I was good at being the mother of four little children -- for their mental health and mine, I now need to find something else to be good at doing.
ReplyDeleteI have two children who live alone now, 25 and 27 years old. It was hard to have them leave home one by one, but I helped them to fly away from us, because that was for their own good. Every time that I had free time, I put a new interest in my life, (I mean creations), so I did n't feel empty! Now I have many interesting things to do. I love my children, I help them when they asc for it, but I don't want to be a burden for them. Kisses Fany.
ReplyDeleteYou know... they have a habit of watching us.... as they grow up! So I guess the next step is to try, try, try.... to be a good example! There is a verse out there some where that talks about kids growing from what they learn... All of your loving, cuddling, and story reading.... is a terrific example! Our kids are also doing that for their kids now!
ReplyDeleteI think that one thing to remember is that; even though everyone else's kids may be doing soccer, dance lessons, piano lessons.... etc. etc... etc.... let them have "time" to be a kid! Don't crowd their lives (and yours) with too many things to keep them busy! Let them figure it out... give them rules (and restrictions on things like how long they can watch t.v. or play video games etc...) and they will find some thing good to entertain themselves!
B/4 you know it.... they will be grown.... much too quickly that's for sure!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Jeff is starting kindergarten on Monday and I'm more sad than I thought I would be. And he'll only be gone 3 hours each day! I can tell I will miss them all when they leave. Thanks for the reminder to treasure these sweet times. They really are growing up so fast.
ReplyDeleteOh! This post came at the perfect time for me. My first child begins 2nd grade tomorrow and I just wrote a post about a tradition her and I share when school begins. I always have such mixed feelings at the start of a new year. :)
ReplyDeleteOh! This post came at the perfect time for me. My first child begins 2nd grade tomorrow and I just wrote a post about a tradition her and I share when school begins. I always have such mixed feelings at the start of a new year. :)
ReplyDeleteKristin and I have talked about this some, so it's funny to see her commenting on your post on the same subject! I don't know how I'll feel when my kids are all grown up... I hope the process is gradual enough that I won't feel like curling up into a ball and crying till I have no tears left. I've thought about it a lot lately and I feel like that's what will happen! I know I will need to find other things to pursue and I do have interests that have gone unattended for years but right now I just can't imagine them leaving. Nathan's starting school (he's actually in the same class as Jeff) this year too and I feel the same as you guys. Mixed feelings of sadness and excitement for Nathan to learn new things and experience all the wonderful things in the world (don't get me started on the bad things right now!). One thing I feel strongly about is that when I have more time and the kids are older, I want to help people. Right now that's the only thing that helps me feel peace about the times ahead, even though I haven't even finished college yet.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the rambling comment! It's kind of long, isn't it?
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and experiences on this matter. :)
ReplyDeleteKristin, Megan--
Thank you for your comments, Megan, I don't mind long comments at all. I actually LOVE to read comments with more personal input. Sometimes I feel a little sentimental when it comes to "kids growing up and leaving the nest". Because I can still see them back in my mind’s eyes as tiny babies, snuggly wrapped in their blankets like a tiny caterpillar.
I know one thing though...once you become a mom, you are always a mom. Our kid's needs changes and our relationships change, but the mothers job to love them and set a good example for them is always there.
That gives me hope and I don't feel so sad.
En todos los lugares del mundo las madres sentimos eso en el corazon cuando vamos dejando nuestros hijos en la escuela, uno espera que no esten y paradojicamente siente nostalgía no es melodrama es real es saber que han partido y llegara el día que partiran totalmente de nuestro lado pero en nuestro corazon permaneceran en nuestros recuerdos, disfruten sus niños el tiempo pasa mas rápido de lo que imaginamos.
"For me that would be more sewing and designing time. Time to organize and clean my house better, I could actually try a new recipe or two. More lunch dates with Mr. TRH or my girlfriends. Most of all, celebrating the milestones and accomplishments of my children."
ReplyDeleteCan I just say I am having a little pity party today? I had to put my little one into daycare last winter after 2 years at home with her, and six or so months later it still breaks my heart every single day to do it. And looking forward, I am so jealous of your use of your time, since that future school time for me will more than likely be filled with work like it is now - unless something really interesting happens between now and then, of course. Not that I begrudge your wonderful new free time and everything you will do with it! I'm just feeling kind of jealous today...
Christa aka The BabbySama--
ReplyDeleteOh, that would be so hard to leave your little one at daycare...
I know I am extremely blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom. Also, my husband is very patient and supportive of what I want to do.
I will try not to take that for granted. :)
I hope you can still find time for yourself and the time to spend with your daughter in your busy schedule. Good luck with everything.